Examples of Public Partner in a sentence
Such decision shall be published on the official website of the Public Partner on the Internet.
Clarification of provisions of the Prequalification Documentation will be published on the official website of the Public Partner on the Internet without indication of the person who requested to clarify the provisions of the Prequalification Documentation.
The Public Partner has a right to amend and cease the terms of the Tender procedures at any time.
If Additional Works and / or Services are procured from third parties, the Public partner undertakes to coordinate schedules of such Additional works and / or services with the Public Partner, as well as to take all measures to ensure that such third parties comply with the safety requirements of the work and do not interfere with the Public Partner's performance of the Works.
Provided by:Private Partner Public Partner Either or Boththe Private / PublicPartnerTable 3Service models by restrictions on passengers' eligibility for subsidized trips.