Examples of Purchase description in a sentence
Purchase description" means the words used in a solicitation to describe the supplies or services to be purchased and includes specifications attached to or made a part of the solicitation.
Use of t h e speci- fic a t io n is p r i m ar il y li m i t ed t o s u ppl yo r se r vice co n t ra c t s w h e r e t h e m a t e r i a l e n d i t e m o r se r vice t o be delive r ed is well defi n ed b y t h e Gove rn m e n t .( b) Purchase description.
Payments shall be made by Knox County upon satisfactory delivery and acceptance of all items or service, and submission of a proper invoice(s) bearing the Purchase description, delivery date, and/or contract number.
The Bidder certifies that all bags proposed conform, and will continue to conform throughout the duration of the contract, to all technical specifications of Annex A- Purchase description.
Use of t h e speci- fic a t io n is p r i m ar il y li m i t ed t o s u ppl y o r se r vice co n t ra c t s w h e r e t h e m a t e r i a l e n d i t e m o r se r vice t o be delive r ed is well defi n ed b y t h e Gove rn m e n t .( b) Purchase description.