Purpose-Built Rental Housing definition

Purpose-Built Rental Housing means dwelling units that are intended to be used for rental housing and meet an identified need for housing in the District. Purpose-Built Rental Housing does not include buildings that are stratified, except those stratified buildings that are subject to operating agreements with the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation.
Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a development that meets the conditions set out in subsection 18.4;
Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a residential use building or structure that consists of four (4) or more dwelling units that will remain as rental housing for a period of at least 20 years from the date of issuance of a building permit.

Examples of Purpose-Built Rental Housing in a sentence

  • Recommended Action: The City should implement a Purpose-Built Rental Housing - Building Renovation Program (CIP) to offer grants or forgivable loans to rental properties that require improvements to improve accessibility or require critical repairs to improve the safety.

  • Study #2A: Purpose-Built Rental Housing - Inventory and Risk Analysis The primary purpose of this specialized study is to determine the amount and degree of risk for redevelopment or conversion to condo of the existing purpose-built rental housing stock.

  • Purpose-Built Rental Housing Project, 100% of the Revitalization Amount attributed to Building Permit No between 20¬¬ (the calendar year before the commencement of construction of the project) and 20 (the calendar year in which the Revitalization Tax Exemption Certificate is issued).

  • Study #2D: Purpose-Built Rental Housing – Economics of New Supply The economics of new rental supply are under stress due to a number of factors, not the least of which is competition with strata condo development for scarce land resources.

  • Development that meets the definition of Purpose-Built Rental Housing may be eligible for an additional 25% reduction in development charges as described in Schedule B to this by-law.

  • The City will not provide funding for the on-going operations of a Purpose-Built Rental Housing Project, including repairs, replacements of capital assets, or other operational activities.

  • This incentive is subject to the project meeting the eligibility criteria defined in section 3.2 “Eligibility Criteria – Purpose-Built Rental Housing Projects”.

  • For Purpose-Built Rental Housing Projects throughout the City, 100% of the municipal share of the property tax due annually in relation to improvements on the Parcel where the project is subject to a Housing Agreement (for up to 10 years) and is in compliance with the OCP Future Land Use designation as at May 30, 2011.

  • For Purpose-Built Rental Housing Projects within the Core Area, Glenmore Valley Village Centre and University South Village Centre as defined by the OCP, 100% of the Revitalization Amount on the parcel, for projects that are subject to a Housing Agreement (for a minimum of 10 years) and where the proposed project is in compliance with the OCP Future Land Use designation at the time of Revitalization Tax Exemption application.

  • The City will provide a five-year property tax abatement of the incremental tax increase for the residential portion of any eligible Purpose-Built Rental Housing Project.

More Definitions of Purpose-Built Rental Housing

Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a development with five (5) or more Dwelling Units that are intended for rental housing and does not include stratified buildings, except those that are subject to operating agreements with the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation;
Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a self-contained building(s) containing five or more Dwelling Units that are intended to be used for rental housing and does not include buildings that are stratified. Purpose-built rental housing meets an identified need for affordable housing in the city. Since rent is controlled within rental buildings under the Residential Tenancy Act, this is a form of affordable housing;”
Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a Dwelling Unit that is intended to be used for rental housing; and
Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a self-contained building(s) containing five or more Dwelling Units that are intended to be used for rental housing. Purpose-built rental housing meets an identified need for housing in the City and does not include buildings that are stratified. Bylaw No. 9561 – Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw
Purpose-Built Rental Housing means a multiple dwelling where individual dwelling units are not units in a plan of condominium, and which is intended for use as rented residential premises.”

Related to Purpose-Built Rental Housing

  • Rental housing means development of a building or structure with four or more dwelling units all of which are intended for use as rented residential premises.

  • Urban renewal project means undertakings and activities of a municipality in an urban renewal area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve slum clearance and redevelopment in an urban renewal area, or rehabilitation or conservation in an urban renewal area, or any combination or part of them in accordance with an urban renewal plan. These undertakings and activities may include:

  • Tourism destination project means a qualified non-gaming

  • rural areas means any area within the county located outside the

  • Redevelopment Area means the community redevelopment area described, defined or otherwise identified or referred to in the Redevelopment Plan.

  • Residential building means a building containing one or more residential dwellings.

  • Urban renewal area means a slum area or a blighted area or a combination thereof which the municipality designates as appropriate for an urban renewal project.

  • Rental Property means a hotel room, vacation home, or other rental property You booked for Your stay during Your Trip.

  • Mixed-use project means a project comprising both a qualified

  • Expandable condominium means a condominium project to which additional

  • School building means any building in which any of the instruction, extracurricular activities, or training provided by a school is conducted, whether or not any instruction, extracurricular activities, or training provided by the school is being conducted in the school building at the time a criminal offense is committed.

  • Transportation project means any project that the department is authorized by law to undertake including but not limited to a highway, tollway, bridge, mass transit, intelligent transportation system, traffic management, traveler information services, or any other project for transportation purposes.

  • Qualified building means a building built at least 30 years before the date of application, located within a designated downtown or, village center, or neighborhood development area, which, upon completion of the project supported by the tax credit, will be an income-producing building not used solely as a single-family residence. Churches and other buildings owned by religious organization may be qualified buildings, but in no event shall tax credits be used for religious worship.

  • Mixed-use property means an eligible property that includes three or more residential units and may also contain a commercial property component in the same building.

  • Natural area means an area of the rural or non-urban environment which is in an unspoilt natural state or is of high scenic value, and includes, but is not limited to, national parks, game reserves, nature reserves, marine reserves, wilderness areas, areas of extensive agriculture and scenic areas;

  • Condominium Project Real estate including the separate ownership in fee, or on a satisfactory leasehold estate, of a particular residential unit with an indivisible interest in the real estate designated for common ownership strictly by unit owners.