Examples of Residential Rental Unit in a sentence
Each individual townhouse dwelling, each individual apartment unit, each individual unit in a multifamily building, and each rooming unit shall be considered a separate Residential Rental Unit.
The Residential Rental Unit Permit fee shall be paid to the Borough Secretary in the form of a check made payable to the Borough of Mayfield.
A Tenant, subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or a person entitled under the terms of a Rental Housing Agreement or Commercial Rental Agreement, to the use or occupancy of a Residential Rental Unit, or a Commercial Rental Unit, respectively.
All periodic payments and all nonmonetary consideration including, but not limited to, the fair market value of goods, labor performed or services rendered to or for the benefit of the Landlord for use or occupancy of a Residential Rental Unit and Housing Services under a Rental Housing Agreement or a Commercial Rental Unit under a Commercial Rental Agreement, as the case may be.
For purposes of this ordinance a Residential Rental Unit shall also include a mobile home or mobile home space.