purse seine means any encircling net the bottom of which is drawn together by means of a purse line at the bottom of the net, which passes through a series of rings along the ground rope, enabling the net to be pursed and closed;
purse seine means all types of fish- ing gear consisting of a lead line, cork line, auxiliary lines, purse line and purse rings and of mesh net webbing fashioned in such a manner that it is used to encircle fish, and in addition prevent their escape under the bottom or lead line of the net by drawing in the bottom of the net by means of the purse line so that it forms a closed bag.
purse seine means any type of fishing gear consisting of a lead line, auxiliary lines, purse line, purse rings, and webbing fashioned in a manner that is used to encircle fish, and in addition prevents their escape under the bottom or lead line of the net by drawing in the bottom of the net by means of the purse line so that it forms a closed bag. The “bunt” is the portion of a purse seine located at the end of the net designed to form the bag that holds the net’s catch after the net is pursed and is the last portion of the net to be pulled aboard the catching vessel.
More Definitions of purse seine
purse seine means a fishery which involves surface searching for schools of tuna from vessels, then encircling schools with a net which is closed, or “pursed” beneath the fish;
purse seine means a floated and weighted encircling net that is closed by means of a purse line threaded through rings attached to the bottom of the net. Purse seine gear includes, but is not limited to, ring net, drum purse seine, and lampara nets;¶
purse seine means a net which consists of a wall or modified wall of net which is used to encircle fish. The top of the net is fitted with floats while the bottom is weighted. A line threaded through rings under the net allows fishers to close the bottom of the net, thus trapping fish in the enclosure so produced.
purse seine means a seine that is pulled into a circle around fish with rings attached to the lower margin below the lead line to allow a purse line to be drawn to close the bottom of the seine.
purse seine means an encircling net that may be closed by a purse line threaded through the bottom of the net. Purse seine gear includes ring net, drum purse seine, and lampara nets;
purse seine means an encircling gear made up of net where the bottom is drawn together by means of a purse line at the bottom of the net, which passes through a series of rings along the groundrope, enabling the net to be pursed and closed;
purse seine means any encircling net the bottom of which is drawn together by means of a purse line at the bottom of