Qualified Nonprofit means a nonprofit, which is either exempt from federal income tax under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) or a California cooperative corporation, that has the capacity to acquire, provide, and manage affordable housing for moderate, low, very low, and extremely low income households, and is certified by the City Manager pursuant to Section 13.89.060.A.
Qualified Nonprofit means a nongovernmental California-based organization registered as and having current tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and has identified a Pass-Through Entity to apply on their behalf. The Qualified Nonprofit will be considered a contractor.
Qualified Nonprofit means a Washington state nonprofit corporation formed pursuant to Chapter 24.03, RCW, having a current active and good standing status with the Washington Secretary of State, and actively participating in the City of Spokane’s Homeless Management Information System (“HMIS”).
Examples of Qualified Nonprofit in a sentence
Set-asides and Apportionments CTCAC will accept applications from Qualified Nonprofit Organizations for the Nonprofit set-aside upon the request of the qualified applicant, regardless of the proposed housing type.
A Qualified Nonprofit Organization is an organization described in Sections 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the IRS Code and exempt from tax under Section 501(a).
THDA reserves the right to make allocations of Housing Credit to Qualified Nonprofit Organizations as needed to meet the requirements of Section 42(h)(5).
The aggregate amount of tax credits allocated by MFA to Qualified Nonprofit Organizations may exceed this amount.
The highest scoring, Qualified Nonprofit Organization Eligible Project will be funded first.
More Definitions of Qualified Nonprofit
Qualified Nonprofit means a nonprofit, which is either exempt from federal 2
Qualified Nonprofit refers to a nonprofit entity whose purpose is to further the provision of affordable housing in the County, which has Internal Revenue Code 501(C)(3) status, adequate cash flow/reserves to purchase property, expertise in property management, and is so designated by the Board;
Qualified Nonprofit means a nonprofit corporation that provides programming, technical assistance, or other support that promotes the growth and development of start-up companies and their founders in this state, and entities in this state that administer, manage, or operate funds that invest in start-up companies in this state.
Qualified Nonprofit means a nonprofit that has obtained “nonprofit” qualification from Blackbaud.
Qualified Nonprofit means a nonprofit entity with experience in and, in the regular
Qualified Nonprofit means a nonprofit, which is either exempt from federal income tax under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) or a California cooperative corporation, that has the capacity to acquire, provide, and manage affordable housing for moderate, low, very
Qualified Nonprofit means an organization that is exempt from federal income tax under 26 USC Section 50J(c)(3), or a California cooperative corporation that has the capacity to acquire, provide and manage affordable housing for low, very low, and extremely low income households, has a commitment to prevent displacement, has a demonstrated commitment to community engagement, and is certified by the City Council or designee pursuant to Section 14.26.050 of this Chapter via an application process as set forth in the Administrative Guidelines.