Examples of Qualified therapist in a sentence
A Home Health Care Visit is defined as a visit by a nurse providing intermittent nurse services (each visit includes up to a 4-hour consecutive visit in a 24-hour period if Medically Necessary) or a single visit by a Qualified therapist, Qualified dietician, or other Qualified Provider, if applicable.
Benefits are paid for only one nurse at any one time, not to exceed 4 hours per 24-hour period.• Nutrition counseling provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified dietician or other Qualified Provider, if applicable.• Physical, occupational, respiratory, and speech therapy provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified therapist or other Qualified Provider, if applicable.• Medical supplies, drugs, laboratory services, or medication prescribed by a Physician.
A Home Health Care Visit is defined as: A visit by a nurse providing intermittent nurse services (each visit includes up to a four-hour consecutive visit in a 24-hour period if Medically Necessary) or a single visit by a Qualified therapist, Qualified dietician, or other Qualified Provider, if applicable.
Qualified therapist costs include any related staff, supervised by the therapist, whether contracted or employees of the provider.
Benefits are paid for only one nurse at any one time, not to exceed 4 hours per 24-hour period. Nutrition counseling provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified dietician or other Qualified Provider, if applicable. Physical, occupational, respiratory, and speech therapy provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified therapist or other Qualified Provider, if applicable. Medical supplies, drugs, laboratory services, or medication prescribed by a Physician. Home infusion.
Benefits are paid for only one nurse at any one time, not to exceed 4 hours per 24-hour period.• Nutrition counseling provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified dietician or other QualifiedProvider, if applicable.• Physical, occupational, respiratory, and speech therapy provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified therapist or other Qualified Provider, if applicable.• Medical supplies, drugs, laboratory services, or medication prescribed by a Physician.
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Each visit includes up to a four-hour consecutive visit in a 24-hour period if Medically Necessary or a single visit by a Qualified therapist, Qualified dietician, or other Qualified Provider, if applicable.
Benefits are paid for only one nurse at any one time, not to exceed 4 hours per 24-hour period. Nutrition counseling provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified dietician or other Qualified Provider, if applicable. Physical, occupational, respiratory, and speech therapy provided by or under the supervision of a Qualified therapist or other Qualified Provider, if applicable. Medical supplies, drugs, laboratory services, or medication prescribed by a Physician.
Storeperson Technical, Clinical and Personal Care Assistant to an Allied Health Assistant (Qualified), therapist or physiotherapist or similar.