Examples of Quantity of Natural Gas in a sentence
The Quantity of Natural Gas made available to Shipper by Terminal Operator at the Redelivery Point shall be measured and computed by automatic equipment.
Without prejudice to section AC 3.7.1 and AC 3.11, Terminal Operator may deliver to Shipper a Quantity of Natural Gas at the Redelivery Point which is less than the Nominated Hourly Delivery in case Terminal Operator has reasonable and documented grounds (including but not limited to Adverse Weather Conditions, pressure in the tanks, etc.) to believe that a threat to the structural and operational integrity of the LNG Terminal would occur.
Subject to AC 3.1, Terminal Operator shall at no time be obliged to redeliver to Shipper at the Redelivery Point: a Quantity of Natural Gas in energy terms (expressed in kWh) greater than Shipper's Gas In Storage at that time or (ii) the quantity of LNG made available by any Other Shipper to Shipper and such Other Shipper has sufficient Gas in Storage; or a Quantity of Natural Gas in energy terms (expressed in kWh) at a rate exceeding Shipper's Send Out Capacity.
The Seller is obligated to deliver to the Purchaser and the Purchaser is obligated to receive from the Seller, at the Delivery Points, the Required Delivery Quantity of Natural Gas in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The Replacement Value shall be paid to the Purchaser no later than the Payment Date next following such Delivery Month, and the Purchaser will accept such payment in lieu of the Deficiency Quantity of Natural Gas for such Delivery Month.
The Operator maintains a separate Security of Supply Account which it charges with the amount of compensation paid to the beneficiaries as provided under article 10.7 hereof, and credits with the revenue arising from payment of a special monthly duty (Security of Supply Duty) by the Transmission Users who have concluded Transmission Agreements, depending on the monthly Quantity of Natural Gas allocated to each of them from all Exit Points.
The balancing of the Balance Account is attained by means of additional payment or charge to Transmission Users, proportionally to the Quantity of Natural Gas that each User transmitted via the NNGTS during the course of one the Year.
In consideration of the payment to the Seller of the Prepaid Price, the Seller hereby agrees to sell and deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Purchaser or to the account of the Purchaser, in each Delivery Month, at the Delivery Points, the Required Delivery Quantity of Natural Gas (in the amounts set forth in the Confirmation Letter) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and the Purchaser hereby agrees to accept delivery of such Natural Gas.
In consideration of the payment to the Seller of the Prepaid Price, the Seller hereby agrees to sell and deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Purchaser or to the account of the Purchaser, in each Delivery Month, at the Delivery Points, the Required Delivery Quantity of Natural Gas (in the amounts set forth in the Confirmation Letter) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and the Purchaser hereby agrees to accept delivery of such Natural Gas.
This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions under which : - The Seller shall sell and deliver to GRTgaz D the Contractual Quantity of Natural Gas during the Delivery Period and at the Delivery Point, as defined and agreed by both Parties in the present Agreement.