Radiant heat definition

Radiant heat means infrared radiation emitted from hot surfaces.
Radiant heat means the electromagnetic transfer of heat energy without direct contact;
Radiant heat means heat transmitted by electromagnetic waves and not transmitted by conduction or convection. Sources of radiant heat include the sun, hot objects, hot liquids, hot surfaces, and fire.

Examples of Radiant heat in a sentence

  • Radiant heat may be applied by means of pipes circulating steam, hot oil or hot water, or by electric heating elements.

  • Radiant heat can pass through them and set fire to curtains or furniture.

  • Radiant heat is the most common cause of death during bushfires and affects people (health and decision making), animals and structures, whilst ember attack on properties is the leading cause of house loss during a bushfire.

  • This radiant-heated subfloor warranty is only applicable when at least the following cumulative requirements are fulfilled:• Radiant Heat: Radiant heat systems must have a minimum of 1/2” separation from the product.• In-floor Radiant Heat: flooring can be installed over 1/2" embedded radiant heat using the floating or glue down method.• Electric heating mats that are not embedded into the subfloor are not recommended for use underneath the flooring.

  • Radiant heat may be applied by pipes circulating steam, hot oil, hot water, or by electric heating elements.

  • Radiant heat can severely impair the health of residents and the integrity of building elements.

  • It is on wheels, very heavy, you can control the levels of energy.Open fire- Radiant heat and convect heat.

  • Infra - red room heater - Radiant heat, each bar is a KW ofthrough the grilles.

  • Radiant heat from a jet fire or pool fire could affect nearby equipment or personnel.

  • The sources of ignitions may be (I) Hot work in the vicinity (ii) Smoking (iii) Lightening (iv) Generation of static electricity (v) Radiant heat from outside.

More Definitions of Radiant heat

Radiant heat. Select Shaw brand engineered products are approved over radiant heated sub oors provided that the oors are installed in strict accordance with the Shaw installation guidelines pertaining to radiant heated sub oors. The products approved for use over radiant heat MUST be designated as radiant heat approved within the speci cations section on the actual Shaw sample board. Products without this logo are NOT recommended for use over radiant heat and are NOT warranted for this application.
Radiant heat means heat transferred by electromagnetic waves rather than by conduction or convection.
Radiant heat means heat transferred by electromagnetic waves rather than byconduction or convection. Sources of radiant heat include the sun, hot objects, hot liquids, hot surfaces, and fire.
Radiant heat means the electromagnetic transfer of heat energy without direct contact. ‘Samohp’ means the South African Mines Occupational Hygiene Programme Codebook. ‘SimraC’ means Safety In Mines Research Advisory Committee.

Related to Radiant heat

  • PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract;

  • B-BBEE means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;