DTMB definition

DTMB means the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget. “Effective Date” has the meaning set forth in the preamble.
DTMB means the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget.
DTMB shall refer to the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget’s Design and Construction Division and Real Estate Division, which acts as agent on behalf of the Lessee/Tenant Agency. Lessor/Lessee: The terms Lessor and Lessee are used in a generic fashion in this document. The Lessor may also represent the Contractor or Construction Management firm that is providing a building facility to the State of Michigan. The term Lessee is used as the generic term for the State of Michigan as the end user and/or Owner. Design Professional is the generic title used in this document to describe the Professional Architect or Engineer that is designing the facility being provided. The term “product” includes materials, systems and equipment.

Examples of DTMB in a sentence

  • After all proposals have been analyzed and the recommendation is made to and accepted by the Department, DTMB will notify all Bidders accordingly.

  • A BAFO or other alteration to original proposals submitted after the Proposal Due Date will not be accepted unless requested in writing by the DTMB or its agent.

  • A BAFO may be requested at the sole and exclusive discretion of the DTMB or its agent.

  • I understand this grant may be terminated if DTMB concludes I am not in compliance with the conditions and provisions required by the contract covering this grant, or have falsified any information.

  • You must receive a fully executed document, signed by an authorized representative of the DTMB, for an agreement to be valid.

  • The DMB Act (1984 Public Act 431, as amended) specifies that the DTMB is the only Department authorized to enter into lease agreements, subject to obtaining all necessary approvals.

  • The Contractor must coordinate with DTMB to enter the proper pointers into the State of Michigan infrastructure.

  • Award of contracts shall be made at the discretion of the DTMB Director or designee.

  • DTMB will offer a contract to the professional firm that has been recommended by the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee after their evaluation of the combined Part I - Technical and Part II - Cost Proposals.

  • I-3 Issuing Office This Request for Proposals is issued by the Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB), on behalf of the Client Agency.

More Definitions of DTMB

DTMB means the State of Michigan’s Department of Technology, Management, and Budget.
DTMB means Deutsche Trustees Malaysia Berhad;
DTMB means Michigan Department Technology, Management & Budget. The DTMB is an executive department with responsibility and oversight of the business operations of state agencies through a variety of services, including centralized contracting and procurement, information technology, and budget and financial management, among others.
DTMB means Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast;

Related to DTMB

  • Opium poppy means the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., except the seeds thereof.

  • CDBG means community development block grant.