Examples of Radiograph in a sentence
Radiograph inspection (x-ray) of hardware on this purchase order is required in accordance with the listed specifications, procedures, shooting sketches and acceptance criteria.
Examples are as follows:• Higher factor of safety in design.• Thicker wall pipe.• Radiograph testing of welds.• Hydrostatic testing.• Adequate coating and wrapping.• Cathodic protection.
For piles with bending or tension stress, welds shall be Ultrasonic (UT) or Radiograph Tested (RT).
Panoramic Radiograph: This is a full mouth X-ray that will only be covered when joining the Bronze, Silver or Gold options as an individual, over the age of 18 years.
Radiograph inspection (x-ray) of hardware on this purchase order is required in accordance with the listed specifications, procedures, shooting sketches and acceptance criteria.Completed films, technique sheets/shooting sketches and reader sheets shall be provided to VACCO Industries unless otherwise specified.