Examples of Rating Grade in a sentence
HQLA2A2.1. Securities issued or guaranteed by sovereigns or central banks with20 per cent risk weight2.2. Securities issued or guaranteedby PSEs or MDBs with 20 per cent risk weight2.3. Non-financial corporate securities (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.4. Covered bonds, not self-issued (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.5. Adjusted amount of HQLA2A stock2.5.1. Adjustment due to secured lending/borrowing transactions2.5.2. Adjustment due to collateral swaps3.
The will capture when a causal link is selected for an explanation: either its preference pred- icate is true, or it is false, but all of the competing neighbouring links (all ) also have a false preference predicate.The definitions for diagnostic problem and solution remain almost unchanged for this new type of causal net, so we do not repeat them here.
Market value/amount 2.1. Securities issued or guaranteedby sovereigns or central banks with 20 per cent risk weight2.2. Securities issued or guaranteed by PSEs or MDBs with 20 per cent risk weight2.3. Non-financial corporate securities (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.4. Covered bonds, not self-issued (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.5. Adjusted amount of HQLA2A stock2.5.1. Adjustment due to secured lending/borrowing transactions2.5.2. Adjustment due to collateral swaps3.
Rating Grade β0 β1 h1 −6.0 10.0 1.02 −5.5 10.0 1.03 −5.0 10.0 1.04 −4.0 10.0 1.05 −3.5 10.0 1.06 −2.5 10.0 1.0 Figure 1.
Supervisory Rating Grade Remaining Maturity^ Use of preferential risk-weights.
If so, commercial banks shall classify securities by the following attributes: (1) Type of issuer; (2) Credit rating; (3) Residual maturity; and (4) Modified duration; whereby the estimated volatility must truly be representative of each of commercial banks’ securities group.(1.2) Commercial banks must estimate the haircuts for each individual security where the collateral are debt securities rated below or equivalent to Rating Grade 3, or the collaterals are equity securities.
HQLA2A2.1. Securities issued or guaranteed by sovereigns or central banks with 20 per cent risk weight2.2. Securities issued or guaranteed by PSEs or MDBs with 20 per centrisk weight2.3. Non-financial corporate securities (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.4. Covered bonds, not self-issued (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.5. Adjusted amount of HQLA2A stock2.5.1. Adjustment due to secured lending/borrowing transactions2.5.2. Adjustment due to collateral swaps3.
HQLA2A2.1. Securities issued or guaranteed by sovereigns or central banks with20 per cent risk weight2.2. Securities issued or guaranteed by PSEs or MDBs with 20 per cent risk weight2.3. Non-financial corporate securities (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.4. Covered bonds, not self-issued (Credit Rating Grade 1)2.5. Adjusted amount of HQLA2A stock2.5.1. Adjustment due to secured lending/borrowing transactions2.5.2. Adjustment due to collateral swaps3.
Commercial bank shall comply with the following regulations:(1.1) Commercial banks may consider estimating the volatility by groups of securities in cases where the financial collaterals are debt securities rated better or equivalent to Rating Grade 3.
Debt securities used as financial collaterals must have a credit rating better or equivalent to Rating Grade 4 or above.