Reasonable student definition

Reasonable student means a student, including, but not limited to, an exceptional needs student, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of his or her age, or for a person of his or her age with his or her exceptional needs.
Reasonable student means a student, including, but not limited to, a student with exceptional needs, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of that age, or for a person of that age with the student's exceptional needs.
Reasonable student means a student, including, but not limited to, an exceptional needs student, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of their age, or for a person of their age with their exceptional needs.

Examples of Reasonable student in a sentence

  • This does not include personal hardware or guaranteed internet speed • Distance Learner wellbeing and welfare support as reasonably requested/ required for distance learners • Reasonable student services.

More Definitions of Reasonable student

Reasonable student means a student, including, but not limited to, an exceptional needs student, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of his or her age, or for a
Reasonable student means a student, including, but not limited to, a student who has been identified as a student with a disability, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of his/her age, or for a person of his/her age with his/her disability. (Education Code 48900(r))
Reasonable student means a student, including, but not limited to, an exceptional needs student, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of his/her age, or for a person of his/her age with his/her exceptional needs. (Education Code 48900(r))

Related to Reasonable student

  • Reasonable Steps means those steps the Receiving Party takes to protect its own similar proprietary and confidential information, which must not be less than a reasonable standard of care.

  • Reasonable suspicion means a basis for forming a belief based on specific facts and rational inferences drawn from those facts.

  • Reasonable Costs means the reasonable actual costs and expenses incurred by us in carrying out any further Audit under this Contract, including, but not limited to, reasonable travel and subsistence costs;

  • Reasonable pupil means a pupil, including, but not limited to, an exceptional needs pupil, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of his or her age, or for a person of his or her age with his or her exceptional needs.

  • Reasonable Care means the use of reasonable custodial practices under the applicable circumstances as measured by the custodial practices then prevailing in Russia of International Financial Institutions acting as custodians for their institutional investor clients in Russia.

  • Reasonable cost means a cost for a service or item that is consistent with the market standards for comparable services or items.

  • Development Activities means those activities which have been approved for the Project as set out in the approved Plans and Specifications and, generally, activities that are normally undertaken for the development, construction, repair, renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for residential purposes and include the acquisition of property;

  • Reasonable Expenses means the reasonable expenses of Employees or Personnel, as the case may be, for which those Employees or Personnel may be reimbursed under the Operator’s usual expense account practice, as accepted by the Management Committee; including without limiting generality, any relocation expenses necessarily incurred in order to properly staff the Mining Operations if the relocation is approved by the Management Committee.

  • Reasonable and Customary means, in relation to a charge for Medical Service, such level which does not exceed the general range of charges being charged by the relevant service providers in the locality where the charge is incurred for similar treatment, services or supplies to individuals with similar conditions, e.g. of the same sex and similar Age, for a similar Disability, as reasonably determined by the Company in utmost good faith. The Reasonable and Customary charges shall not in any event exceed the actual charges incurred.

  • Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.

  • Reasonable and Prudent Operator means a person seeking in good faith to perform its contractual obligations and, in the process of doing so and in the overall conduct of its whole undertaking exercising that degree of diligence, skill, prudence and foresight which can reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced operator engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances complying with all applicable Laws, and any reference to the standard of a Reasonable and Prudent Operator means such degree of diligence, skill, prudence and foresight as aforesaid.

  • reasonable possibility means that there is a cause and effect relationship between the investigational product, study device and/or study procedure and the AE.

  • Reasonable in these circumstances means ‘using no more force than is needed’. The use of force may involve either passive physical contact, such as standing between pupils or blocking a pupil’s path, or active physical contact such as leading a pupil by the arm out of the classroom.

  • Reasonable Distance means a distance that has regard to the Employee’s original work location, current home address, capacity of the Employee to travel, additional travelling time, effects on the personal circumstances of the affected Employee, including family commitments and responsibilities and other matters raised by the Employee, or assistance provided by their Employer.

  • reasonable forecast means a forecast prepared by the Borrower not earlier than twelve months prior to the incurrence of the debt in question, which both the Bank and the Borrower accept as reasonable and as to which the Bank has notified the Borrower of its acceptability, provided that no event has occurred since such notification which has, or may reasonably be expected in the future to have, a material adverse effect on the financial condition or future operating results of the Borrower.

  • professional diligence means the standard of skill and care that a Member would be reasonably expected to exercise towards a Client, commensurate with-

  • Development Program means the implementation of the development plan.

  • Reasonable payment means, with respect to professional and other technical services, a payment in an amount that is consistent with the amount normally paid for such services in the private sector.

  • Project Activities means the activities to be undertaken or Works to be delivered or Property to be contributed or provided by you, your approved Sub-Grantees or your approved sub- contractors as summarised in the Particulars and more particularly described in the Agreed Proposal for which Xxxxx is payable under this Agreement;

  • Medical information means any information about a consumer's medical or mental health treatment or diagnosis by a health care professional.

  • Research Project means a discrete scientific endeavor to answer a research question or a set of research questions related to medical marijuana and is required for a medical marijuana research license.

  • Reasonable and prudent parent standard means the