Rebate Customer definition

Rebate Customer has the meaning given in clause 2.1(5).
Rebate Customer means Class Members who participated in any of Defendants’ rebate, refund or gift programs during the Class Period.
Rebate Customer means either Party's Customer that is also a participant of such Party's Rebate Program.

Examples of Rebate Customer in a sentence

  • To avoid doubt, the Rebate cannot be used to reduce the amount payable by the Rebate Customer for any other goods or services.

  • If the value of the Transaction is higher than the value of the Rebate, Customer will be liable to pay the difference to perform the Transaction.

  • Subject to this clause 7, in consideration of the Retailer giving the Rebate as set out in clause 6, the State will reimburse the Retailer for any Rebate validly given to a Rebate Customer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • If the Rebate Customer fails to lodge such new Application within the reasonable time specified by the Retailer, the Retailer must cease providing the relevant Rebate Customer the Rebate.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, a Rebate will be deemed to be validly given to a Rebate Customer if the Retailer has complied with its verification obligations in Item 1(1) and (2) Schedule 3 in respect of the relevant Rebate Customer and has received confirmation from the Relevant Verifier that the Rebate Customer satisfies the Eligibility Criteria.

  • To be eligible to participate in the Program and for Customer to qualify for a Rebate, Customer must meet and continue to meet at all times the requirements set forth in this section (“Program Requirements”).

  • The proposed modifications to the Complex CUBE Rebate, Customer Credit, and Initiating Participant Credit are designed to continue to encourage ATP Holders to engage in a variety of transactions on the Exchange and increase volume in CUBE auctions as well as Customer and Professional Electronic executions.

  • In the event that this Agreement is terminated in accordance with paragraph (1): the State will be liable only for payments under this Agreement for Rebates given by the Retailer to a Rebate Customer before the date of termination; the Retailer must stop giving Rebates on and from the date of termination; and each party must take all available steps to minimise its own loss resulting from that termination.

  • Further Applications The Retailer may, at any time, require a Rebate Customer to provide a new Application.

  • As a condition of the Rebate, Customer agrees to grant the City the right to remotely or manually interrupt electric service to the EV charging station in the event of a generation capacity shortage or a transmission or distribution system emergency.

Related to Rebate Customer

  • DMA Customer means a Customer of a Sponsoring Broker where representatives of the Customer that are natural persons are designated by the Sponsoring Broker to have Trading Access to the SEF Platform using the Participant ID of the Sponsoring Broker and where such Customer signs the DMA Customer Documentation.

  • wholesale customer means a natural or legal person purchasing electricity for the purpose of resale inside or outside the system where he is established;

  • End-Use Customer means a person or entity in Delaware that purchases electrical energy at retail prices from a Retail Electricity Supplier.

  • New Customer has the meaning set forth in Section 17.3(b).

  • Host Customer means the customer account directly connected to a Customer-Generator Facility or Community Energy Facility, or, for a stand-alone Community Energy Facility, the customer account as designated by the Subscribers who share the energy production of the Community Energy Facility.

  • New Service Customers means all customers that submit an Interconnection Request, a Completed Application, or an Upgrade Request that is pending in the New Services Queue. New Service Request:

  • TCP Customers We will not impose Credit Management Charges unless the Charges are a reimbursement of our costs and you are advised of their amount or method of calculation.

  • Retail customer means any person that purchases retail electric energy for its own consumption at

  • End User Customer means a third party retail Customer that subscribes to a Telecommunications Service provided by either of the Parties or by another Carrier or by two (2) or more Carriers.

  • Business Customer means a customer who is not a residential customer.

  • Indigent Customer means the head of an indigent household:-

  • Customer means the State agency or other entity identified in a contract as the party to receive commodities or contractual services pursuant to a contract or that orders commodities or contractual services via purchase order or other contractual instrument from the Contractor under the Contract. The “Customer” may also be the “Buyer” as defined in the PUR 1001 if it meets the definition of both terms.

  • Eligible Customers means non-residential electric and/or gas Customers of Ameren Illinois. Each application has different eligibility requirements for Delivery Service rates (DS# for electric, GDS# for gas) to be eligible for that program. Refer to the specific program applications to determine if your business is eligible for that application. The Ameren Illinois incentive payments are awarded only to Eligible Customers for equipment that is owned by them and installed in the Ameren Illinois service area at the location that corresponds with the Ameren Illinois account number listed in the Application. All Eligible Customers are ultimately responsible for compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

  • Eligible customer-generator means a customer-generator whose net energy metering system for renewable resources, cogeneration, fuel cells, and microturbines meets all applicable safety and performance standards.

  • active customer means a customer or a group of jointly acting customers who consume, store or sell electricity generated on their premises, including through aggregators, or participate in demand response or energy efficiency schemes provided that these activities do not constitute their primary commercial or professional activity;

  • Network Customer means an entity receiving transmission service pursuant to the terms of the Transmission Provider’s Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III. Network External Designated Transmission Service:

  • End Customer means any party that is licensed to receive the Data either directly or via a Redistributor or group of Redistributors.

  • Existing Customer means an individual who has purchased goods or services from a person, who is the recipient of a voice communication from that person, and who either paid for the goods or services within the 12 months preceding the voice communication or has not paid for the goods and services at the time of the voice communication because of a prior agreement between the person and the individual.

  • domestic customer means the occupier of domestic premises;

  • END USER CUSTOMER LOCATION means the physical location of the premises where an End User makes use of the telecommunications services.

  • household customer means a customer purchasing electricity for his own household consumption, excluding commercial or professional activities;

  • Eligible Customer means:

  • Supplier/Contractor means the individual, firm or company with whom the contract has been concluded for supplying the Goods and Services under the Contract. The Supplier/Contractor shall be deemed to include its successors (approved by the purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors, administrators and permitted;

  • Native Load Customers means the wholesale and retail power customers of a Transmission Owner on whose behalf the Transmission Owner, by statute, franchise, regulatory requirement, or contract, has undertaken an obligation to construct and operate the Transmission Owner’s system to meet the reliable electric needs of such customers.

  • Local Supplier means a supplier or service provider whose product or service offered for procurement meets the minimum local content of 50% as prescribed in DIPP Order No.P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) dated 28th May, 2018 or by the competent Ministries/Departments in pursuance of this order.

  • Prospective Customer means any individual, corporation, trust or other business entity which has either (a) entered into a nondisclosure agreement with the Company or any Company subsidiary or affiliate or (b) has within the preceding 12 months received a currently pending and not rejected written proposal in reasonable detail from the Company or any of the Company’s subsidiary or affiliate.