Rebate Rate definition
Examples of Rebate Rate in a sentence
The Management Company reserves the right to increase the Participation Rate or Rebate Rate or Barrier.
Where relevant, if there is a change to the Rebate Rate, method of calculating the Rebate or Eligibility Criteria, the State must, as soon as reasonably practicable, give the Retailer written notice of any changes to the Rebate Rate, method of calculating the Rebate or Eligibility Criteria.
The Retailer must send an original tax invoice that complies with the relevant law for each Claim to the State, which must include: the total value (inclusive of GST) of all approved Rebates for each concession card type, calculated as the number of claimants multiplied by number of claimant days multiplied by the daily Rebate Rate; the total number of all approved Rebates; and the calculation of the administration fee for the period (Refer Schedule 2).
Rebate Rate for Back Payments The terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to the provision of a Rebate Back Payment under clause 6.3 and the Rebate Rate payable for the period will be the Rebate Rate applicable at the time the Rebate was due.
U.S. Single Use Charge Volume Rebate Rate Adjustment The above-stated rebate grid will be reduced by 30.0 basis points (0.30%) for annual U.S. Single Use Charge Volume associated with each State Entity that is between $2 million - $10 million.