Issue Terms definition

Issue Terms means either (i) where the Securities are not Exempt Securities, the relevant Final Terms or (ii) where the Securities are Exempt Securities, the relevant Pricing Supplement, in each case, as described below.
Issue Terms means either (i) where the Securities are not Exempt Securities, the relevant Final Terms or (ii) where the Securities are Exempt Securities, the relevant Pricing Supplement. Types of underlying assets The economic or "payout" terms of the Securities may be linked to movements in one or more of the following types of underlying assets (each, an "Underlying Asset"):  an equity share; an equity index; a commodity or a commodity futures contract; a commodity index; an exchange-traded fund; a mutual fund, hedge fund or other fund; a currency exchange rate; a currency exchange rate index; an inflation index; an interest rate index; or a cash index. The interest payable under certain Securities issued under this Base Prospectus may also be calculated by reference to a fixed rate of interest or a reference rate for determining floating rate interest. Potential for Discretionary Determinations by the Issuer under the Securities Under the terms and conditions of the Securities, following the occurrence of certain events outside of its control, the Issuer may determine in its discretion to take one or more of the actions available to it in order to deal with the impact of such event on the Securities or the Issuer or both. It is possible that any such discretionary determinations by the Issuer could have a material adverse impact on the value of and return on the Securities. An overview of the potential for discretionary determinations by the Issuer under the Securities is set forth in the section headed "Overview of the Potential for Discretionary Determinations by the Issuer" on pages 179 to 188 of this Base Prospectus. Risk Factors Investing in the Securities involves certain risks, including that you may lose some or all of your investment in certain circumstances. Before purchasing Securities, you should consider, in particular, "Risk Factors" at pages 82 to 157 of this Base Prospectus. You should ensure that you understand the nature of the Securities and the extent of your exposure to risks and consider carefully, in the light of your own financial circumstances, financial condition and investment objectives, all the information set forth in this Base Prospectus and any documents incorporated by reference herein. 27 July 2017TABLE OF CONTENTS PageIMPORTANT NOTICES 6SUMMARY 9RISK FACTORS 82
Issue Terms means, in relation to a Series of Securities, the issue terms set out in the Trust Instrument relating to such Securities, including the terms of the Conditions Modules and Definitions Modules incorporated by reference, as the same may be modified and/or supplemented.

Examples of Issue Terms in a sentence

  • The Information Memorandum and these Issue Terms are available for viewing during normal office hours at the office of the Principal Paying Agent in London and copies may be obtained from the principal office of the Issuer.

  • The Securities have the “Terms” as set out in these Issue Terms, which will complete and modify (i) the Bearer Securities Base Conditions Module, July 2014 Edition and (ii) the General Definitions Module, July 2014 Edition (the “General Definitions Module”), both of which are incorporated by reference into these Issue Terms (together, the “Conditions”) and are set out in full in the Information Memorandum.

  • Full information on the Issuer and the offer of the Securities is only available on the basis of the combination of these Issue Terms and the Information Memorandum.

More Definitions of Issue Terms

Issue Terms means, in relation to a Series of Securities, the issue terms set out in the Trust Instrument relating to such Securities, including the terms of the Conditions Modules and Definitions Modules incorporated by reference, as the same may be modified and/or supplemented. References to "Japanese Yen", "Yen" and "¥" are to the lawful currency of Japan.
Issue Terms means the terms of issue of a Preference Share which are the subject of a resolution of the Board under Clause 2.
Issue Terms means either (i) where the Securities are not Exempt Securities, the applicable Final Terms or (ii) where the Securities are Exempt Securities, the applicable Pricing Supplement.
Issue Terms means the applicable Final Terms or, where an Alternative Drawdown Document is prepared (which shall be the case for Credit Linked Notes and Collateral Basket Notes), the applicable terms and conditions set out in such Alternative Drawdown Document, as specified in the relevant Issue Deed.
Issue Terms means these terms and conditions for the issue of non- cumulative, convertible preference shares in the company;
Issue Terms means, a document substantially in the form of Schedule 1 (Issue Terms) to the Programme Agreement completed to specify all the information relating to an actual or proposed CD or Series which is required to be specified for the particular purpose of that document in accordance with the completion instructions in Schedule 1 (Issue Terms) to the Programme Agreement (together with any Alternative Floating Rate Benchmark (if applicable)) and which may be used (subject to the information which is specified on it and the basis on which it has been completed) as:
Issue Terms means either the Final Terms or the Pricing Supplement, as applicable, prepared in relation to the Products.