Examples of Receiving school in a sentence
NAME OF SCHOOL RECEIVING FILE: ADDRESS OF SCHOOL RECEIVING FILE: DATE RECEIVED: NAME OF PERSON RECEIVING FILE: DATE CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT SENT: SIGNATURE: Receiving school / educational setting: Please complete Part 2 and return this form to the Designated Safeguarding Lead listed in Part 1 above.
Date, placeNameSignatureSending school Receiving school Pupil * This information is only indicative.
Step 5: Transition and Enrollment: Receiving school sets up a transition meeting for the student and their family.
The personnel employed by the Agency for the security of the Institute will be the employees of the Security Agency and the Institute shall have nothing to do with their employment or non-employment.
Receiving school is able to provide a smoother transition, identify, maintain and act on any barriers to learning to secure each LAC’s progress.