Examples of Next school year in a sentence
Next school year 20-21, the server will be hosted in the Cloud by Infinite Campus.
Security and usability are the most important factors that can affect the adoption of the online banking services anywhere.All banks in Saudi Arabia are using online banking; providing their customers with the ability to access their bank accounts and make transactions anytime and anywhere.
Discussion:● How many years do we have the ESSER funding?○ It will go away in the 2023-24 year● We are hearing that the PA budget will result in a big boost in public school funding, but things are still very unpredictable.● Next school year, our enrollment will be up from this year.
Students are expected to follow all school regulations and behavior expectations.
Next school year the comprehensive agricultural pathway will be implemented and Mrs.
Next school year we plan to have a monthly nutrition challenge for all of the students, staff, and family members.
Next school year, on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, many human rights education activities are foreseen in schools throughout the country.
Next school year, the program will be expanding to Plymouth South High School.
Next school year in-person classes will be held on only Fridays, however in-person tutoring and guided study sessions will be held on the other days with lunch being offered on all days that students are present.
Next school year, the subject teachers will introduce the projects.In the evaluation, it appeared that in some cases there was too much time between a project and the lessons in the referring subject area dealing with the same topics.