Examples of Reciprocating compressor in a sentence
Reciprocating compressor means a piece of equipment that increases the pressure of a process gas by positive displacement, employing linear movement of the driveshaft.
Reciprocating compressor means a piece of equipment that increases the pressure of a process gas by positive displacement, employing linear movement of the drive shaft.
Cleaning chiller tubes and improving water treat- ment can also improve performance of a chiller system by providing cleaner surfaces for heat transfer on both the refrigerant and water sides of the chiller tubes (see Chapter 9).ENERGY STAR® Building Manual■ Reciprocating compressor unloading.
Reciprocating compressor rod packing— (i) A series of flexible rings in machined metal cups that fit around the reciprocating compressor piston rod to create a seal limiting the amount of compressed natural gas that escapes to the atmosphere.
Where:Es,i = Annual volumetric GHGi (either CH4 or CO2) emissions from centrifugal compressor wet seals, at standard conditions, in cubic feet.Count = Total number of centrifugal compressors that have wet seal oil degassing vents.EFi,s = Emission factor for GHGi. Use 1.2 × 107 standard cubic feet per year per compressor for CH4 and 5.30 × 105 standard cubic feet per year per compressor for CO2 at 60 °F and 14.7 psia.* * * * *(p) Reciprocating compressor venting.
Complete system including Reciprocating compressor, Air receiver and Air dryer shall be sourced from single successful tender.
Wafer checks should not be used in the following services:* Service containing 25 percent or greater volume of free hydrogen.* Liquids above their auto-ignition temperature.* Steam service.* Temperatures above 260°C (500°F).* As the first block valve against storage tanks or vessels containing hazardous material.* Reciprocating compressor or pump service.
The slippage on the operational assets of £8.634m is attributable to reprofiling of spend in relation to works at Raikes Lane, Bolton TRF, Longley Lane, Sharston MRF and mobile plant and equipment.
At present F-10 two Reciprocating compressor are running (One full load and other partial load) whereas in F-12, one Screw compressor is running at 70% load.
Reciprocating compressor rod packing venting in onshore natural gas processing, onshore natural gas trans- mission compression, underground nat- ural gas storage, LNG storage, and LNG import and export equipment as specified in § 98.232(d)(1), (e)(1), (f)(1), (g)(1), and (h)(1).