Examples of Recovery system in a sentence
Recovery system means an individual recovery device or series of such devices applied to the same vent stream.Total organic compounds (TOC) means those compounds measured according to the procedures in§60.664(b)(4).
Recovery system means an individual recovery device or series of such devices applied to the same vent stream.
The Disaster Recovery system shall be accessible by all users 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and available 99.982% of the time (uptime) per month and must not be rendered inoperable for any longer period for the purposes of maintenance, upgrades or hardware additions.
Recovery system means an individual recovery device or series of such devices applied to the same vent stream.Total organic compounds (TOC) means those compounds measured according to the procedures in §60.664(b)(4).
Present and discuss the actual flight test data.● Recovery system tests● Summary of Requirements Verification (launch vehicle)● Payload design and dimensions● Key design features of the launch vehicle● Payload integration● Interfaces with ground systems● Summary of requirements verification (payload) The FRR will be presented to a panel that may be comprised of any combination of scientists, engineers, safety experts, education specialists, and industry partners.
Wastewater Heat Recovery RequirementApplicants must submit with the Grant Application an estimate of the energy offset that could be achieved by the project through the installation of a Wastewater Heat Recovery system.
Applicants must also provide a description of the potential configuration of the Wastewater Heat Recovery system, including the following information:• Whether raw or treated water would be used;• What type of heat recovery equipment would be used, e.g. heat exchanger, heat pump, etc.; and• How the heat would be used in the building, e.g. hot water boiler pre-heating, maintaining temperature of hot water storage tank, space heating and/or cooling, etc.
Airbus Communications Disaster Recovery system maintains data to provide monthly reports as illustrated below.
The IBM at the Hines Information Technology Center (HITC) houses the Veterans Affairs CRP Performance environment and the Disaster Recovery system (Veterans Affairscrpdbs1, Veterans Affairscrpperf1, Veterans Affairsedwdbs1).
OVERVIEW OF RECOVERY AND INDEXING: Recovery system – failure classification, log-based recovery, shadow paging, recovery with concurrent transactions, ARIES Algorithm.