Recreation and entertainment definition
Examples of Recreation and entertainment in a sentence
Recreation and entertainment can encompass a vast range of activities from golf and team sports to more sedentary and individual activities such as the cinema.
A stratification of the parsing process is naturally induced by the design choice to assign priority to the verb argu- mental connections.
Recreation and entertainment are useful ingredients for any integrated community development programme, not only as an ideal force of keeping the community united and strong, but also to preserve the people's cultural identity.
Strategy # 4: Create Recreational and Entertainment Facilities Recreation and entertainment amenities are important to creating a sense of place and to shaping the local economy.
PROFANITY: Crude, vulgar, or obscene language or gestures.RECREATION/ENTERTAINMENT: Recreation and entertainment information other than Games, Jokes, or Sports.
Recreation and entertainment: With its coastal location Perth enjoys attractive beaches along with various participation and spectator sports.
Senior citizen dwellings; subject to the provisions of § 157.030(A)(2)(b) Allowable uses of land and buildings: P: Permitted by-rightS: Permitted by special use permitEstate Residence District (E)Single-Family Residence District (R-1)Single-Family Residence District (R-2)Single-Family Residence District (R-3)General Residence District (R-4)Multiple Dwelling Residential District (R-5)Agricultural District (AG-1)(e) Recreation and entertainment uses; public and private.
Recreation and entertainment facilities, both indoor and outdoor, are available to inmates in all institutions.
A water immiscible solvent such as petroleum ether is used for the separation of alkaloids and quinines.
Recreation and entertainment destinations.Network function – major origin and destination point for journeys.