ANY OTHER BUSINESS. The Chair will invite members to present the item(s) – if any – identified under agenda item 2.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. Any other matters not covered under the previous agenda items may be raised here.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. Any other business not covered under the previous agenda items may be examined here (to be raised at the time of the adoption of the preliminary agenda and schedule).
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. No AOB points were proposed.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, together with paragraphs 6 and 25 of the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Constitution require that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Chief Executive, before urgent business not specified in the agenda (including a supplementary agenda of which the statutory period of notice has been given) may be transacted. In accordance with Operational Standing Order 6 (non-executive bodies), any item raised by a non-member shall require the support of a member of the Committee concerned and the Chairman of that Committee. Two weeks’ notice of non-urgent items is required.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. Xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Chief of the Fire Brigade, Russian Federation, presented the Russian Fire Voluntary Service.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. Methods of vote
1. The Company must have obtained proof that on 15 January 2021 at midnight (the “Registration Date”) shareholders held the number of shares for which they intend to participate in the general Meeting, and,
2. The Company must have received confirmation of the intention of to vote at the General Meeting not later than 23 January 2021. Submission of a proxy or postal vote form within the aforementioned period will constitute notification. There will be no further action to take on this matter.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. 11.1 It was CONFIRMED that these --minutes of the Negotiation meeting will form part of the contract.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. 164. Mr Xxxxxxxx reported that the nomination procedure had been launched to replace the six TC regional representatives and expert, whose terms of office would end MOP7 (the Western Africa, Eastern Africa, Central Africa, South-Western Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Europe regions and Environmental Law 165. He urgently requested the Committee, particularly the outgoing members, to consider nominating replacements. The Advisory Committee (consisting of the current StC and TC Chairs and vice-Chairs and the Secretariat) would recommend the selected candidates to MOP7. The nomination documents consisted of a CV and signed declaration from the nominee, as well as a letter of recommendation. He stressed the fact that a fully functioning Technical Committee was crucial for the work of the Agreement, For more information on the nomination procedure, please see pp 2 - 4 of the TC Modus Operandi. 166. Nomination for the AEWA Waterbird Conservation Award 2018, established in 2005 by the AEWA Standing Committee in order to recognize and honour individuals, as well as government and non-government organizations and enterprises, who have made a significant contribution towards the long-term conservation and sustainable use of waterbirds in the African-Eurasian region was also open. The deadline for the submission of nominations was 04 June 2018. The Award would be decided upon by the AEWA Standing Committee at its 13th Meeting on 3- 5 July 2018 and presented to the winners in both categories at the 7th Session of the Meeting of Parties to AEWA on 4 - 8 December 2018 in South Africa. In both institutional and individual categories, the Award would, however, not be endowed with a monetary prize as in the past, due to financial constraints. The relevant nomination forms are available on the AEWA website.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS. 171. Xx. Xxxxxxx pointed out that conservation education was part of the Gorilla Agreement but had not been mentioned during the meeting. He reminded participants that many education and awareness materials were being developed and were available for use in and by Parties and Range States. He urged that Focal Points should be tasked to talk to national TV stations. 172. There was no other business.