Examples of Reduction efficiency in a sentence
Reduction efficiency (in %) represents the percentage of technically achievable emissions reduction for an abatement technology, after it has been implemented.
The results are shown in Table 2.8. Table 2.8: Reduction efficiency in dry ecosan toilets, with a storage time of 6 months and pH value of 9 or more.
These interviews are indicated as in-depth interviews in this chapter.
For each subcategory i, the abatement was estimated based on the following equation: Abatenent Potentiali = Enissioni × Aeelicability of the technologyi × Reduction efficiency i,whereThe applicability of the technology (in %) represents the share of the total emissions from a particular emissions subcategory to which the abatement technology can be applied.
Conclusion Figure 4: Reduction efficiency: Online HPLC/EC/MS analysis of a mixture of insulin (m/z 1147.7379) and somatostatin (m/z 819.3654).
Estimated BMP reduction efficiency (%) and unite costm Reduction efficiency (%) NumberDescriptionTNTPUnite costBMP1Cropland protection2536$50/acreBMP2Conservation tillage5038$30/acreBMP3Strip cropping/contour farming2340$10/acreBMP4Terraces and diversions4442$500/acreBMP5Nutrient management7028$110/acreBMP6Agriculture to forest land conversion9594$5000/acreBMP7Vegetative buffers6452$1500/mile m Estimated BMP reduction efficiency (%) and unite cost from PRedICT 254 X.
Reduction efficiency of COD, turbidity and suspended solids 60-98% higher by a retention time <40 minutes (Kobya et al., 2006).
Reduction efficiency is the percentage of technically achievable emissions abatement.
The efficiency of the reductor was checked by using the Inspect/Test Reduction efficiency in SoFIA.
Reduction efficiency did not decrease linearly with increased cell density.