Reduction efficiency definition

Reduction efficiency means the ratio between the emissions downstream of the RECD system (EREC) and the engine baseline emissions (EBase) and both measured in accordance with the procedures defined in this Regulation and calculated as defined in paragraph
Reduction efficiency means the ratio between the emissions downstream of the REC system (EREC) and the engine baseline emissions (EBase) and both measured in accordance with the procedures defined in this Regulation and calculated as defined in paragraph 8.3.4. of this Regulation.
Reduction efficiency means the ratio between the engine baseline mass emissions and the emissions downstream of the REC system, both measured in accordance with the procedures defined in this Regulation;

Examples of Reduction efficiency in a sentence

  • Reduction efficiency (in %) represents the percentage of technically achievable emissions reduction for an abatement technology, after it has been implemented.

  • The results are shown in Table 2.8. Table 2.8: Reduction efficiency in dry ecosan toilets, with a storage time of 6 months and pH value of 9 or more.

  • These interviews are indicated as in-depth interviews in this chapter.

  • For each subcategory i, the abatement was estimated based on the following equation: Abatenent Potentiali = Enissioni × Aeelicability of the technologyi × Reduction efficiency i,whereThe applicability of the technology (in %) represents the share of the total emissions from a particular emissions subcategory to which the abatement technology can be applied.

  • Conclusion Figure 4: Reduction efficiency: Online HPLC/EC/MS analysis of a mixture of insulin (m/z 1147.7379) and somatostatin (m/z 819.3654).

  • Estimated BMP reduction efficiency (%) and unite costm Reduction efficiency (%) NumberDescriptionTNTPUnite costBMP1Cropland protection2536$50/acreBMP2Conservation tillage5038$30/acreBMP3Strip cropping/contour farming2340$10/acreBMP4Terraces and diversions4442$500/acreBMP5Nutrient management7028$110/acreBMP6Agriculture to forest land conversion9594$5000/acreBMP7Vegetative buffers6452$1500/mile m Estimated BMP reduction efficiency (%) and unite cost from PRedICT 254 X.

  • Reduction efficiency of COD, turbidity and suspended solids 60-98% higher by a retention time <40 minutes (Kobya et al., 2006).

  • Reduction efficiency is the percentage of technically achievable emissions abatement.

  • The efficiency of the reductor was checked by using the Inspect/Test Reduction efficiency in SoFIA.

  • Reduction efficiency did not decrease linearly with increased cell density.

More Definitions of Reduction efficiency

Reduction efficiency means theemissions and the emissions downstream of the REC system, both measured in accordance with the procedures defined in this Regulation; Comment [JM5]: Correct referencing to be discussed with GRPE secretariat. Comment [DB6]: Needs correcting

Related to Reduction efficiency

  • Thermal efficiency means the useful electric energy output of a

  • high-efficiency cogeneration means cogeneration meeting the criteria laid down in Annex II;

  • Efficiency means the gas turbine manufacturer's rated heat rate at peak load in terms of heat input per unit of power output based on the lower heating value of the fuel.