Baseline emissions definition

Baseline emissions means a participating source's VOM emissions for the seasonal allotment period based on historical operations as determined under Subpart C of this Part. Baseline emissions shall be the basis of the allotment for each participating source.
Baseline emissions means the unmitigated aggregate emissions of any regulated air pollutant, as calculated by the Department-approved model, produced by or projected to be produced by mobile source activity within the boundary of or associated with an indirect source.
Baseline emissions means the emission level of a diesel-fueled engine using CARB diesel fuel as configured upon initial installation or by January 1, 2003, whichever is later.

Examples of Baseline emissions in a sentence

  • Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

  • Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions.

  • Baseline emissions are an estimate of the GHG emissions from sources within the GHG Assessment Boundary (see Section 4) that would have occurred in the absence of the landfill project.

  • Calculate the baseline emissions Baseline emissions include only CO2 emissions from electricity generation in fossil fuel fired power plants that are displaced due to the project activity.

  • Please note that the methodology ASM II.G., v1 does not provide specific equations for calculation of Baseline emissions, project emissions or leakage, only for Emission reductions.

More Definitions of Baseline emissions

Baseline emissions means the unmitigated aggregate emissions of any regulated air pollutant, as calculated by the Department-approved model, produced by or projected to be produced by the activity and operations of a Regulated Dairy, including but not limited to emissions from animal housing, feed storage and handling, manure storage, handling and treatment, land application, and combustion-powered equipment.
Baseline emissions. , in relation to a project, means an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions from all selected sources and reservoirs, assuming the project is not carried out;
Baseline emissions means the weighted average carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the MSCI All Country World Index as at 31 December 2019.
Baseline emissions means the lowest of actual, SIP-allowable or RACT-allowable
Baseline emissions. , in relation to a project, means the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, established by, or estimated in accordance with, the applicable protocol, that would occur from all selected sources were the project not carried out;
Baseline emissions means the average annual rate, in tons per year, that the Huntley and Dunkirk Stations emitted SO2 or NOx from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2001. Baseline SO2 Emissions are 107,144 tons. Baseline NOx Emissions are 17,005 tons.
Baseline emissions means the emissions in terms of CO2 generated by sintered clay brick manufacturing activity in India after allowing applicable deductions for use of biomass.