Examples of Reference Debt in a sentence
The PPIB will evaluate the principal repayment schedule and other principal financial terms and the equity commitments in the Project, to ensure that the other principal financial terms are consistent with the repayment of principal in accordance with the principal repayment schedule, and that the principal repayment schedule is not less than the Reference Debt Service Component of the Tariff, and to evaluate the impact on the GOP’s obligations upon any termination of this Agreement.
Reference Debt Service Component shall not be paid during open cycle operation for maximum first 12 months.
For evaluation purposes, the Reference Debt Service Component relating to foreign currency loans will be adjusted using a benchmark forecast of respective exchange rates.
The Reference Debt Principal Payments Tariff Component shall be biannually indexed to USD / PKR exchange rate, based on the revised TT & OD selling rate of USD notified by the NBP, where a% of the Debt Principal Payments are attributable to debt procured from foreign sources.
The PPIB will evaluate the principal repayment schedule and other principal financial terms and the equity commitments in the Project, to ensure that the other principal financial terms are consistent with repayment of principal in accordance with the principal repayment schedule, and that the principal repayment schedule is not less than the Reference Debt Service, and to evaluate the impact on the GOP’s obligations upon any termination of this Agreement.