Region D definition
Examples of Region D in a sentence
Special Project Information for the Region: D Number Location Approx.
Geographical coverage area is Region D - Conway, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Perry, Polk, Pope, Scott, Sebastian and Yell counties.
Region D believes with additional resources they will be able to scale their partnership to train 500 workers each year and place them into quality jobs.
The full text of the Medicare Region D DMERC Supplier Manual Chapters IX and X is available via the Internet at
Region D is the signal region and contains events with at least one H-tagged and one t-tagged jet, as defined in the previous section.
Region D - Conway, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Perry, Polk, Pope, Scott, Sebastian,and Yell counties.
Medicare Region D Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier DMERC Supplier Manual April 2001.
Information that is released shall be in conjunction with the recommendations of Federal, State, and Local Officials through the Local Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), Joint Information Center (JIC), and Region D Joint Information System (DJIS).
Sinnott, PT, PhD, MPH, of the VA, Palo Alto Health Care System and Robert Zone, MD, Former Medical Director, Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Region D both provided technical assistance with the literature review and expert input on the analytic approach.
The values for the three cities of interest are:Darwin (Region C in NT) = 400 kphPort Hedland (Region D in WA) = 370 kph [slightly higher than a Monica] Townsville (Region C in Qld) = 285 kph [nothing much more than a Tracy] Worldwide, daily representations of MPI are given at in the form of coloured charts giving central pressure and wind speeds.