Examples of Regularly enrolled in a sentence
Regularly enrolled" means enrolled in five or more hours of instruction each school day.
Regularly enrolled students who live in the residence halls and participate in the residence hall governments have first priority for all residence hall facilities.
Regularly enrolled students who elect to audit a course must pay the normal per credit hour fee as outlined in the student fee schedule.
Explorations Curriculum Policies Regularly enrolled Birmingham-Southern College students must fulfill learning outcomes designation requirements with scheduled courses taken at the College.
Regularly enrolled doctoral students who have advanced to candidacy.
Regularly enrolled students (except freshmen) may take one course per term at any of these institutions during the fall and spring terms without additional charge, but scheduling may prove difficult.
Regularly enrolled CSUSB students may be employed by Associated Students, Inc.
Removal for CauseIn addition, the Portfolio Servicer may be removed for cause upon 30 Business Days' prior written notice to the Portfolio Servicer by (a) the Issuer and/or the Note Trustee acting upon the instructions of an Extraordinary Resolution of the holders of the Notes or (b) by the Issuer (at its discretion).
Regularly enrolled students (full- or part-time) may not receive more than two units of extension credit in any given semester.
Regularly enrolled students who complete work at another accredited institution must secure written permission from the registrar before attempting such course work.