Regulatory Bodies means those government departments and regulatory, statutory and other entities, committees, ombudsmen and bodies which, whether under statute, rules, regulations, codes of practice or otherwise, are entitled to regulate, investigate, or influence the matters dealt with in the Contract or any other affairs of the Authority and “Regulatory Body” shall be construed accordingly.
Regulatory Event means, following the occurrence of a Change in Law (as defined below) with respect to the Issuer and/or Société Générale as Guarantor or in any other capacity (including without limitation as hedging counterparty of the Issuer, market maker of the Certificates or direct or indirect shareholder or sponsor of the Issuer) or any of its affiliates involved in the issuer of the Certificates (hereafter the “Relevant Affiliates” and each of the Issuer, Société Générale and the Relevant Affiliates, a “Relevant Entity”) that, after the Certificates have been issued, (i) any Relevant Entity would incur a materially increased (as compared with circumstances existing prior to such event) amount of tax, duty, liability, penalty, expense, fee, cost or regulatory capital charge however defined or collateral requirements for performing its obligations under the Certificates or hedging the Issuer’s obligations under the Certificates, including, without limitation, due to clearing requirements of, or the absence of, clearing of the transactions entered into in connection with the issue of, or hedging the Issuer’s obligation under, the Certificates, (ii) it is or will become for any Relevant Entity impracticable, impossible (in each case, after using commercially reasonable efforts), unlawful, illegal or otherwise prohibited or contrary, in whole or in part, under any law, regulation, rule, judgement, order or directive of any governmental, administrative or judicial authority, or power, applicable to such Relevant Entity (a) to hold, acquire, issue, reissue, substitute, maintain, settle, or as the case may be, guarantee, the Certificates, (b) to acquire, hold, sponsor or dispose of any asset(s) (or any interest thereof) of any other transaction(s) such Relevant Entity may use in connection with the issue of the Certificates or to hedge the Issuer’s obligations under the Certificates,(c) to perform obligations in connection with, the Certificates or any contractual arrangement entered into between the Issuer and Société Générale or any Relevant Affiliate (including without limitation to hedge the Issuer’s obligations under the Certificates) or (d) to hold, acquire, maintain, increase, substitute or redeem all or a substantial part of its direct or indirect shareholding in the Issuer’s capital or the capital of any Relevant Affiliate or to directly or indirectly sponsor the Issuer or any Relevant Affiliate, or (iii) there is or may be a material adverse effect on a Relevant Entity in connection with the issue of the Certificates.