Examples of Rehabilitation Assistance in a sentence
Inspections are also conducted to determine eligibility for Rehabilitation Assistance under authority of PL 84-99 for Federal and non-Federal systems.
Non-Federal sponsors will be informed that mainte- nance deficiencies found during CEI’s may negatively impact on eligibility of future Rehabilitation Assistance, and the degree of local cost-sharing partici- pation in any proposed work.
Structures built pri- marily for the purposes of channel alignment, navigation, recreation, fish and wildlife enhancement, land rec- lamation, habitat restoration, drain- age, bank protection, or erosion protec- tion are generally ineligible for Public Law 84–99 Rehabilitation Assistance.
The RIP consists of a process to inspect flood control work; a status determination, i.e., an inspection-based determination of qualification for future Rehabilitation Assistance; and the provision of Reha- bilitation Assistance to those projects with Active status that are damaged in a flood or coastal storm event.
A flood control project is eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance provided that the project is in an Active status at the time of the flood event, the dam- age was caused by the flood event, the work can be economically justified, and the work is not otherwise prohib- ited by this subpart D.