Rehabilitation Service definition

Rehabilitation Service means an activity which includes assistance in improving,
Rehabilitation Service means a service specifically tailored to assist a person to improve physical, psychosocial, and vocational functioning.
Rehabilitation Service means a service specifically tailored to assist a 45.

Examples of Rehabilitation Service in a sentence

  • Students with disabilities may obtain grants covering tuition, fees, books, supplies, and, in some cases room and board through the Vocational Rehabilitation Service.

  • Board member Mark Newton wondered about the purpose of the language changes made by the IRS.

  • The provisions of para- graphs (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply with respect to any State supplementary payment for which re- imbursement is available from the So- cial and Rehabilitation Service pursu- ant to the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975 (Pub.

  • The mere fact that a Physician has ordered or prescribed a therapeutic regimen does not, in itself, determine whether a Service is a Skilled Nursing Service or a Skilled Rehabilitation Service.

  • Reassigned to Social and Rehabilitation Service by Department reorganization of Aug.

  • Rehabilitation Service Providers such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists will provide assistance to The Rockhampton Grammar School in cases that are more complicated.

  • This project is a collaboration between the Division, Rehabilitation Service Administration, U.S. Department of Education, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, and the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation.

  • While technology has been used to enhance triage, assessment and offer self-management information where possible, it was recognised that the majority of people referred to the Community Rehabilitation Service continue to require delivery of this in person, in their own home.

  • A transcript will be released on request to those approved sponsoring agencies, such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Service Canada, WSIB, CIDA, DIA, etc., who provide financial support to the student in College and who supply authorization from the student to do so.

  • DADHC commissioned the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service (CRS) in 2002 to assess post- school leavers who were already in, or applying to join, what was then the NSW ATLAS program.

More Definitions of Rehabilitation Service

Rehabilitation Service means the provision to or for a person for the purpose of rehabilitation of any aid, treatment, counselling, appliance, apparatus or other service, the provision of which is an authorised service in accordance with section 23;';
Rehabilitation Service means continuing treatment of the accident consequences in an outpatient and/or inpatient health care institu- tion that helps the patient to recover working capacity.
Rehabilitation Service means a category of service providing the coordinated
Rehabilitation Service means a mental health treatment or medical intervention program designed to treat or remedy a sex offender's mental or medical problem that may relate or contribute to the sex offender's criminal or paraphiliac problem.
Rehabilitation Service means a mental health treatment or medical intervention program designed to treat or remedy a sex offender's mental or medical problem that may relate or contribute to the sex offender's criminal or paraphiliac problem.

Related to Rehabilitation Service

  • Rehabilitative services means specialized services provided by a therapist or a therapist’s assistant to a resident to attain optimal functioning, including, but not limited to, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and audiology.

  • Rehabilitation Plan means a written plan designed to enable the Employee to return to work. The Rehabilitation Plan will consist of one or more of the following phases:

  • Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.