Examples of Relative care in a sentence
Relative care is a situation in which an adult relative, such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other relative, provides a home for a child who cannot live with his or her parents.
A family child care home shall meet the requirements for registration set forth in 441—Chapter 110 and shall have a current Certificate of Registration, Form 470-3498.d. Relative care.
The child should be placed in the custody, control, and care of:[ ] DCYF for placement in:[ ] Relative care with (name) .
Reunification with parents of origin ☐ Reunification with main caregiver(s) ☐ Relative care arrangement ☐Non-relative foster care arrangement ☐ Special Guardianship Arrangement ☐ Adoption ☐Emigrated ☐Day Foster Care ☐ Emergency Accommodation ☐ Independent Living ☐Living with friends ☐ Supported lodgings ☐ Hostel ☐Homeless ☐Don’t Know ☐Other ☐ (please specify)……………………..
The child should remain in the custody, control, and care of[ ] DCYF [ ] a relative [ ] another suitable person to be placed or remain in:[ ] Relative care with (name) .
The values for MOSTHRS are: 1 = Relative care in child’s home 2 = Relative care in another home3 = Nonrelative care in child’s home 4 = Nonrelative care in another home 5 = Center-based program6 = Before- or after-school activities7 = Equal hrs in 2 or more types of care-1 = No nonparental arrangement/homeschooled Note that the number of cases for whom MOSTHRS = -1 will not equal the number of cases for which ANYCARE = 2 for the ASPA survey.
Relative care (which is by definition reflective of a child’s family) is especially common among African American and Latinos.22 In order for the field of early childhood education to be culturally and linguistically competent, it needs to reflect the cultural background of the children and families it serves, especially since dialogue and interaction with peers of other backgrounds is a key strategy for helping individual teachers become more culturally competent.
Statewide Relative Care Standard 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Relative care (percent of family foster care days) 35.7% 53.1% 57.0% 59.1% 60.2% 62.7% 62.3% 61.7% Table 7.
License exempt providers subject to the CANTS check include: Child care centersFamily child care homesRelative care in the home of the relative Relative care in the home of the child(ren) Non-relative care in the home of the child(ren) Providers and individuals who are not indicated in the Central Register must agree in writing to a CANTS check every two years.
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