Examples of Relevant Fund in a sentence
These additional contributions will be paid at such times and periods if any as set out in the Deed for the Relevant Fund, or if not specified in the Deed, then as agreed between the School and Teachers.
Holders should refer to the Relevant Fund Supplement for more information.
Examples of such Collective Investors would be open-ended investment products, such as mutual funds or insurance company segregated funds that held a position, or were exposed to the returns of, a Relevant Fund at the times of the relevant trades.
The Settlement Amount will be allocated amongst Affected Investors (“Adversely Impacted Investors”) that have been determined to have experienced, in aggregate, an overall adverse effect (“Overall Adverse Effect”) in a Relevant Fund when all relevant trades in the Relevant Fund are considered.
There will be no netting of unitholder positions from Relevant Fund to Relevant Fund.