Examples of Relevant Matter in a sentence
I understand that for the purposes of this declaration that Relevant Matter means this application or a transaction, agreement, arrangement or event contemplated by or referred to in this application.
Before notice of any matter to be considered by the Board or a Board committee (Relevant Matter) is circulated to Directors, the procedure set out in paragraph 2.2 of these protocols must be adopted for the purpose of determining whether the involvement of any of the Directors in the Board's or Board committee's consideration of that Relevant Matter would give rise to a conflict.
Kaiser Family Foundation, “The Economy and Medical Care,” November 15, 2011; http://healthreform.kff.org/notes-on-health-insurance-and-reform/2011/november/the-economy- and-medical-care.aspx.
By execution and delivery of this Agreement, each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts and to the appellate courts therefrom solely for the purposes of disputes in connection with any Relevant Matter and not as a general submission to such jurisdiction or with respect to any other dispute, matter or claim whatsoever.
The Grantor reserves the Right to make public (including media) announcements in relation to, and otherwise report upon the Grant, the awarding of the Grant and any Relevant Matter.