Relief valve means a valve used only to release an unplanned, nonroutine discharge. A relief valve discharge results from an operator error, a malfunction such as a power failure or equipment failure, or other unexpected cause that requires immediate venting of gas from process equipment in order to avoid safety hazards or equipment damage.
Relief valve means each pressure relief device including pressure relief valves, rupture disks and other pres- sure relief systems used to protect process components from overpressure conditions. ‘‘Relief valve’’ does not in- clude polymerization shortstop sys- tems, referigerated water systems or control valves or other devices used to control flow to an incinerator or other air pollution control device.
Relief valve means an automatic pressure-relieving device actuated by a static pressure upstream of the valve that opens further with the increase in pressure over the opening pressure and that is used primarily for liquid service.
Examples of Relief valve in a sentence
Relief valve shall be adjustable and be capable of bypassing the total oil flow without increasing back pressure more than 10 percent above that required to barely open the valve.
Relief valve malfunction is most often due to contaminants in the fluid.
It is not unusual for the Pressure & Temperature Relief valve to allow a small quantity of water to escape during the heating cycle.
Relief valve and turbine ventilator configuration System Operation An automated monitoring system is not required for most installations and data can be collected manually.
Relief valve means a valve used only to release an unplanned, nonroutine discharge.
More Definitions of Relief valve
Relief valve means an automatic pressure-relieving device actuated by static pressure upstream of the valve which opens farther with an increase in pressure over the opening pressure. It is used primarily for liquid service.
Relief valve means an automatic pressure relief valve that is actuated by static pressure upstream of the valve that opens further with the increase in pressure over the opening pressure;
Relief valve means a pressure relief valve actuated by inlet static pressure having a gradual lift generally proportional to the increase in pressure over opening pressure. It may be provided with an enclosed spring housing suitable for closed discharge system application and is primarily used for liquid service.
Relief valve means an automatic pressure relieving device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve which opens further with the increase in pressure over the opening pres- sure.
Relief valve means an ASME-stamped automatic pres- sure relieving device designed for liquid service which is actuated by the pressure upstream of the valve and opens further with an increase in pressure above the stamped pressure.
Relief valve means an automatic pressure-relieving device as described in section I, IV or VIII of the [code.] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, adopted by reference pursuant to NAC 618.148.
Relief valve means a pressure−actuated valve which is normally held closed by a spring or other means and which is designed to automatically open enough when needed to prevent internal pressure from exceeding a predetermined level.