Examples of Removal Efficiency in a sentence
Operate the control device and the Unit it serves in compliance with a performance standard of 0.100 lb/mmBTU 30-Day Rolling Average Emission Rate for NOx or a 95.0% 30-Day Rolling Average Removal Efficiency for SO2; then the modification of the Consent Decree shall also provide that such Unit be treated as an Improved Unit as to the pollutant that has been controlled in compliance with this Section.
This Paragraph does not apply to VEPCO's use of: (i) a fuel or fuel mix specifically called for by this Decree, if any, or (ii) any coal in any coal-fired Unit regardless of the fuel's sulfur content, so long as such use occurs after the Unit is being served by an FGD or other control equipment that can maintain 95.0% Removal Efficiency for SO2, on a 30-day, rolling average basis.
And I wondered if you could…I am doubting I am going to get you to give me the rates by program offering.
If at any time Defendants change the methodology used in determining the 30-Day Rolling Average Removal Efficiency, Defendants shall explain the change and the reason for using the new methodology.
The resulting 30-day Rolling Average Removal Efficiency will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent ( i.e.
Every subsequent year, Ohio Edison shall either conduct a performance test or submit CEMS data (or combination of CEMS data and coal sampling) equivalent to the sampling period of a performance test that show that each FGD has achieved a 95% Removal Efficiency.
The Defect Removal Efficiency metric is defined as the percentage of defects found by the *** before a *** product is delivered to its users (“*** defects”), compared to the sum of “*** defects” and the number of defects discovered by customers after release (“customer discovered defects.”) Tracking this metric from *** is recommended.
No later than December 31, 2008, Ohio Edison shall install a Flash Dryer Absorber or ECO (or equivalent SO2 control technology approved pursuant to Paragraph 90) at Sammis Unit 5, which shall have at least a 50% Design Removal Efficiency for SO2.
In addition to any express requirements in Section I, above, or in the Consent Decree, such deviations required to be reported include, but are not limited to, the following requirements: the 1-Hour Average NOx Emission Rate, the 30-Day Rolling Average Emission Rates for SO2 and NOx, the 30-Day Rolling Average Removal Efficiency for SO2, and the PM Emission Rate.
Overall, metal removals are consistent with expected performance of the SART process.Table 13-27: Removal Efficiency of SART Testwork Constituent Removal Efficiency (%)Guadalupe BermejalCompositions of the filter cakes generated during the testwork are shown in Table 13-28.