Quality definition
Examples of Quality in a sentence
Contractor must repay the County for any disallowed costs identified by County through monthly reports, audits, Quality Assurance monitoring, or other sources within thirty days of receipt of notice from County that the costs have been disallowed.
Section 10 of the CAISO Tariff requires the CAISO to enter into a meter service agreement with each Scheduling Coordinator responsible for providing Settlement Quality Meter Data for Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entities that it represents.
Activities: • Prepare invoices, progress reports, and applicable Quality Assurance/Quality Control documentation.
The process will involve a panel consisting of the local Quality Improvement Manager (QIM)/Quality Improvement Officer (QIO), the Joint Secretaries of LNCT, the QIM Learning Estates, and Human Resources considering the sharing options for the vacancy.
These include (but are not limited to) the following: Quality Governance Policy Information Sharing Protocol / Data Sharing Agreement (Annex B) Quality statement and reporting matrix Activity and performance matrix Service specification Commissioning specification and process Development and approval of the above will be required prior to the Transnational ODN moving to the permanent MOU agreement.