Examples of Renewable energy technologies in a sentence
Renewable energy technologies include those that rely on energy derived directly from the sun, on wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave, or tidal energy, or on biomass or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas.
Renewable energy technologies, including onshore wind, are identified as key aspects to realising this aim whilst recognising that a planned approach to development is required to find the correct balance between safeguarding assets which are irreplaceable while facilitating change in a sustainable way.
Renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind power will be an area of focus.
Renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, along with electronic products and cell phones, also use these various minerals.
Incompatible facilities can cause substantial negative effects on biological communities, resources, and Renewable energy technologies can be installed in large fields of hundreds or thousands of acres.
Renewable energy technologies have the potential to play an important role in U.S. national security and in reducing global warming.
Renewable energy technologies could be used as drivers for smart grids (DiBlasio-Brochard et al.
The applicant has indicated that the following will be achieved as part of the development: • Northerly orientation of daytime living/working areas with large windows, and minimal windows to the east and west.• Passive shading of glass.• Sufficient thermal mass in building materials for storing heat.• Insulation and draught sealing.• Renewable energy technologies which includes roof solar systems for each unit.• Low energy technologies.• Water efficient technologies.• Recyclable materials.
Following technologies would be used in order to conserve energy:⮚ Introducing electric meters with timer.⮚ Replacement of high energy consuming incandescent lights with florescent lighting.⮚ Using solar controlled glass in windows.⮚ Renewable energy technologies will be promoted in the form solar water heating.
Renewable energy technologies include those that rely on energy derived directly from the sun, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave, or tidal energy, or on biomass or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas.