SHORT TIME Sample Clauses
SHORT TIME. (1) An employer shall, prior to the day on and from which he intends to work short-time, notify all employees concerned by posting up a notice, or notices, in a prominent position well known and easily accessible to employees in any section or department of the establishment concerned.
(2) Any employee who has not been given notice in terms of subclause (1) shall, on attending at the establishment, be entitled to be employed for a full working day, or be paid full wages in lieu thereof.
(3) An employee, who on any day attends at the establishment on the instructions of the employer or his representative shall be entitled to be employed for at least four hours on such day or to receive four hours' pay at his ordinary rate of pay in terms of clause 4(1) read with clause 4(10).
(4) Consultation with the Trade Union shall take place prior to the introduction of short- time.
SHORT TIME. When, by reason of slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or a general breakdown of plant or machinery caused by accident or other unforeseen emergency, an employer is unable to employ his employees for the number of ordinary hours of work per week usually worked in his establishment, the employer may, subject to the provisions of this clause, employ his employees on short time during, but not exceeding, the period of such slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or general breakdown of plant or machinery: Provided that, where practically possible, notice regarding the implementation of short time shall be given to the trade union representative in writing prior to the date on which short time becomes effective. When short time is worked, the work available shall be distributed among the employees in any section. An employee who on any day reports for duty at the usual starting time of the establishment and for whom no work is available, or for whom work becomes unavailable during the course of the day, shall be paid in respect of such day an amount of not less than 4 hours’ wages, unless he was notified by his employer previously that his services would not be required on the day in question.
SHORT TIME. (1) The employer shall notify and consult with the union at least five days in advance of the intention to work short-time, except where the employer shows that it was impractical to give such notice.
(2) Where short-time is being worked in any establishment, the work shall be distributed as evenly as possible amongst the employees in each of the sections or departments concerned.
(3) Where short-time is being or has been introduced in any establishment, employees who are not informed and are present for work on a particular day, shall be employed for at least half a day or be paid a day's wage in lieu thereof. For the purposes of this subclause "day's wage" shall mean the wage usually paid in respect of the hours constituting a fully day's work (i.e. other than the usual short days in the establishment).
SHORT TIME. (1) Where short-time has been or is introduced in any workplace and the Regional Chamber has been notified in the form and manner specified by the Council or Regional Chamber, an employee who is not required to work on any day shall be given notice of that fact not later than closing time on the working day prior to the day on which his services are not required, except that, if short-time is to be worked on a Monday or starting from a Monday, an employee who is not required to work on such Monday shall be given notice of the fact not later than closing time on the preceding Thursday.
(2) An employee who attends the workplace on any day shall, unless he has received notice in terms of subclause (1) that his services will not be required on such day, be employed or be paid a full day's wages.
(3) Where full time is not being worked in any workplace, the work shall be distributed evenly among the employees in each of the sections or departments concerned.
SHORT TIME. (1) Where short time has been or is introduced on any workplace after notifying the Council in writing, an employee who is not required to work on any day shall be given notice of that fact not later than closing time on the working day prior to the day on which his services are not required, except that, if short time is to be worked on a Monday or starting from a Monday, an employee who is not required to work on such Monday shall be given notice of the fact not later than closing time on the preceding Thursday in the case of the Clothing Sector of the Industry and by not later than 12:00 the previous Friday in the case of the Millinery Sector of the Industry.
(2) An employee who attends the workplace on any day shall, unless he has received notice in terms of subclause (1) that his services will not be required on such day, be employed or be paid a full day's wages.
(3) Where full time is not being worked in any workplace, the work shall be distributed evenly among the employees in each of the sections or departments concerned.
SHORT TIME. (1) Where short time has been or is being introduced in any workplace, an employee who is not required to work on any day shall be given notice of that fact not later than closing time of the working day prior to the day of which his services are not required.
(2) An employee who attends the workplace on any day shall, unless he has received notice in terms of subclause (1) of this clause that his services will not be required on such day, be employed for at least four hours or be paid wages in lieu thereof.
(3) Where full-time is not being worked in any workplace, the work shall be distributed evenly among the employees in each of the sections or departments concerned.
(4) Where short time has been introduced in any workplace, the employer shall furnish to the Secretary of the Council such particulars as are relevant , in the form and manner specified by the Council and forward it to, P O Box 1142 Woodstock, 7915, within seven days of the commencement of such short time.
SHORT TIME. When, by reason of slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or a general breakdown of plant or machinery caused by accident or other unforeseen emergency, an employer is unable to employ his employees for the number of ordinary hours of work per week usually worked in his establishment, the employer may, subject to the provisions of this clause, employ his employees on short time during, but not exceeding, the period of such slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or general breakdown of plant or machinery: Provided that the employer: has consulted with the employees concerned; and/or has consulted with any shop stewards or employee representatives in the workplace concerned; and has extended an invitation to the trade union office and trade union official to attend on the date and time as determined by the employer, to allow the trade union official to attend the consultation, if a trade union is active in the workplace concerned, unless short time is implemented on a specific day for that day only; and shall, when short time is worked, distribute the available work amongst the employees in any section. An employee who on any day reports for duty at the usual starting time of the establishment and for whom no work is available, or for whom work becomes unavailable during the course of the day, shall be paid in respect of such day an amount of not less than 4 hours’ wages, unless he was notified by his employer previously that his services would not be required on the day in question. No short time may be called for and implemented, for Mondays and Fridays, where official paid public holidays fall on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, unless the employer has been working short time prior to such paid public holidays.
SHORT TIME. When, by reason of slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or a general breakdown of plant or machinery caused by accident or other unforeseen emergency, an employer is unable to employ his employees for the number of ordinary hours of work per week usually worked in his establishment, the employer may, subject to the provisions of this clause, employ his employees on short time during, but not exceeding, the period of such slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or general breakdown of plant or machinery: Provided that the employer: has consulted with the employees concerned; and/or has consulted with any shop stewards or employee representatives in the workplace concerned; and has extended an invitation to the trade union office and trade union official to attend on the date and time as determined by the employer, to allow the trade union official to attend the consultation, if a trade union is active in the workplace concerned, unless short time is implemented on a specific day for that day only; and shall, when short time is worked, distribute the available work amongst the employees in any section. where possible, timeously notifies the Council in writing, of such short time. An employee who on any day reports for duty at the usual starting time of the establishment and for whom no work is available, or for whom work becomes unavailable during the course of the day, shall be paid in respect of such day an amount of not less than 4 hours’ wages, unless he was notified by his employer previously that his services would not be required on the day in question. No short time may be called for and implemented, for Mondays and Fridays, where official paid public holidays fall on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, unless the employer has been working short time prior to such paid public holidays. In the event that an employer works short time for a continuous period of 9 months for reasons excluding electricity outages and water outages the following will apply: In the event that the employer’s employees do not agree to the employer continue working short time, the employer have to apply for exemption in order to continue working short time for an uninterrupted period. The Council’s exemption procedure will apply. If the exemption is not granted the employer may not continue to work short time for 4 consecutive weeks. The employer may schedule lu...
SHORT TIME. PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE TO EMPLOYEES ............................................................
SHORT TIME. (1) Short-time means a temporary reduction in the number of ordinary hours of work owing to a shortage of work and/or raw materials or a general breakdown of plant or machinery or breakdown or threatened breakdown of buildings, or any other unforeseen work-related circumstances.
(2) Where short-time is declared, notification shall be given to the trade union(s) or their representatives and to the employees in the establishment.
(3) Employees shall be informed, individually or by notice posted in the department or departments in which they are employed, on the day before short-time will apply that:
(a) their services would not be required; and
(b) that they will not be paid for the period that their services are not required.
(4) Where employees were not so informed and are present for work at the ordinary starting time, they shall be entitled to be employed for half a day or to receive half a day’s remuneration in lieu thereof.
(5) Where employees are present for work in the afternoon, they shall be entitled to be employed for two hours or receive two hours remuneration in lieu thereof, unless notice of short-time was given to the employees during the morning.
(6) Where work ceases due to a breakdown, employees shall be entitled to payment only for the first hour and for any time in excess of one hour that they are required to remain in the establishment.
(7) Payment of remuneration to employees on short-time shall be made during working hours and where an employee has to call at the factory solely for the purpose of collecting his remuneration, he shall be entitled to payment for two hours and such additional time that he is required to wait for his pay.
(8) Where short-time has been introduced in an establishment, the employer shall where possible, distribute work equally among employees in the department concerned.
(9) Any period before or after a leave period during which an establishment is closed shall be regarded as short-time. Where such period is longer than 3 days, the employer shall give 3 days’ notice to employees in writing in a place accessible to all employees. Where such notice was not given, this period of more than 3 days shall be considered extra annual leave for which the employer shall pay employees in terms of the annual leave clause.