Examples of Repair category in a sentence
Group 1 (SMEs 13, 14, 15, and 16) was asked to link KSAOs to the Train Inspection, Troubleshooting, and Repair category, and Group 2 (SMEs 17, 28, 19, and 20) was tasked with linking KSAOs to the functional category Train Makeup and Handling.
In addition to standard increases in Personal Services and increases in Energy and Utilities costs, the proposed FY 19 budget includes an increase of approximately$20,000, within the Maintenance and Repair category, to address deferred maintenance items of several older town-owned buildings.
Report the repair costs under the appropriate Repair category in WisWAP.
Percentage of woman interviewed in a community survey, reporting themselves to have undergone FGM.14.
Repair category C items must be repaired within 10 consecutive calendar-days (240 hours, recorded in either UTC or local time), excluding the day the malfunction was recorded in the aircraft maintenance record/logbook (Day of Discovery).
Requires Interim Finance approval since the amount transferred to the BEP Repair category exceeds $75,000.
The Maintenance and Repair category assesses capabilities that assist equipment end users, owners, or service technicians in maintaining properly-functioning equipment through notifications of maintenance events, such as scheduled replacement, or through advanced automated detection.
Internal joinery and kitchen fittings Repair category: Notes:1Internal joinery and kitchen fittings are modern and appear to be in good condition.
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 55(2):101, 2009.[20] W.
The14 FAST Act, signed December 2015, continues HIB by including funding under the State of Good15 Repair category.