Reporting Counterparty definition
Examples of Reporting Counterparty in a sentence
If a Reporting Counterparty to a Trade becomes aware of an error or omission in the swap transaction and pricing data or the Required Swap Creation Data which was reported by TeraExchange to an SDR with respect to such Trade, either through its own initiative or through notice by the other party to the swap, the Reporting Counterparty shall promptly notify Tera of the need to correct the original data transmitted to the SDR and submit corrected data to TeraExchange.
The Reporting Counterparty for each Swap executed on the Trading System shall be established pursuant to CFTC Regulation 45.8 and LatAm SEF Rule 903(2).
If both counterparties to a Swap executed pursuant to the Rules are equal in the hierarchy (for example, both are Swap Dealers), the Reporting Counterparty for such Swap shall be determined in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act—Swap Transaction Reporting Requirements (version July 15, 2013 or such successor version as may be adopted from time to time published by ISDA), or if an ISDA framework exits, reporting will follow the ISDA framework.
For a swap executed on or pursuant to the rules of a swap execution facility, Reporting Counterparty means the counterparty required to report swap continuation data.
The Adhering Parties further covenant and agree that the Reporting Party is only responsible for the reporting obligations expressly placed on the Reporting Counterparty under the CFTC Regulations and is not responsible for such other reporting obligations that may be required of the other party directly under the CEA and the CFTC Regulations.