RESCO definition
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Companies;
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Company i.e., an energy service company that develops, installs, finances, operates and owns the rooftop solar power project and supplies power generated from the Project to the consumer.
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Company i.e. anenergy service company that develops, installs, finances,operatesandownsthesolarpowerprojectand suppliespowergeneratedfromtheProjecttothe.
Examples of RESCO in a sentence
In such case, the Bidder/ RESCO cannot coerce SBI to do so or not.
More Definitions of RESCO
RESCO means a person or an entity, which is in the business of supplying power generated through Project installed in the Premise of the Procurer on mutually agreed terms;
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Company.
RESCO means Rural Electricity Supply Co-operative Society.
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Company, which owns a Renewable Energy System and provides renewable energy to the consumer:
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Company i.e. an energy service company that develops, installs, finances, operates and owns the solar power project and supplies power generated from the Project to the UGVCL. "Rupees", "Rs.", shall mean Indian rupees, the lawful currency of India;
RESCO means Renewable Energy Service Company i.e. an energy service company that develops, instals, finances, operates and owns the solar power project and supplies the generated solar power to the consumers of selected feeders.