Examples of Reserved Instances in a sentence
This Agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous representations, understandings, agreements, or communications between you and us, whether written or verbal, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement (but does not supersede prior commitments to purchase Services such as Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances).
This occurs even if the same instance is Stopped and returned to the Running state multiple times in the same hour.Note: The above behavior applies to Reserved Instances as well as On-Demand instances.
This behavior occurs regardless of your usage of Reserved Instances, so it’s important to understand how this may affect your bill.
You are not charged for any additional On-Demand usage.• Example 4: Oversubscribing your Reserved Instances for half the time: Assume that you have purchased 2 Reserved Instances.
As noted above, Reserved Instances are a billing construct within AWS.
Except for Services relating to Microsoft Azure Reserved Instances or as otherwise agreed to by the Parties in the applicable Order, Services are consumption based; and therefore, after the first (1st) month of the Services, the Services are not subject to a minimum term.
Conversely, Azure Reserved Instances for software do not include the cost of compute.
In cases where you plan to have sustained 24x7 usage of one or more EC2 or RDS instances of the same instance type in the same availability zone and region, purchasing a one-year or three-year reserved instance can save up to 70% versus the on-demand hourly rates.You can learn more about Reserved Instances at https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/purchasing-options/reserved-instances/.
Azure Reserved Instances for a virtual machine or Azure SQL Database services cover compute only (the base rate) and do not include the cost of the software (e.g., Windows Server or SQL Server), storage or back-up.
CHAPTEREIGHT RESERVED INSTANCES Reserved Instances play an important role in helping you manage the overall costs of your AWS environments.