Examples of Resettlement Assistance in a sentence
To be pursued under the framework of Resettlement Assistance for LGUs, the land required for the housing project in an ancestral domain, shall be made available for the IP community concerned.
Resettlement Assistance and Federal Public BenefitsIraqi and Afghan special immigrants are treated like refugees for purposes of federal public benefits.
For additional information on programs for refugees see CRS Report R41570, U.S. Refugee Resettlement Assistance, by Andorra Bruno.
The following subheadings classify the projects and programmes under this service classification: Resettlement Assistance; Overseas Processing; Repatriation Assistance; Community Stabilization; Internally Displaced Persons; Former Combatants; and Elections Support.
This includes your EIA budget letter or non-EIA Rent Assist confirmation (if applicable), employment income, Old Age Security, Resettlement Assistance, any financial assistance, worker’s compensation, etc.