Examples of Resident Evaluation in a sentence
Residents found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as detailed in the University of Louisville School of Medicine Resident Agreement and the Resident Evaluation, Promotion, and Termination Policy.2. Except as described in paragraph 1, residents sponsored on J1 visas are not allowed to moonlight or earn any income outside of the stipend stipulated in the resident’s house staff contract.
Poor performance on rotations, regardless of cause, will be dealt with in accordance with the Schulich Postgraduate Medical Education Resident Evaluation and Appeals Policy.
Programs must use the GMEC approved Medical Student Evaluation of the Resident and Resident Evaluation of the Faculty assessment tool for medical student-house staff/faculty-house staff interactions during rotations.
V.A. Resident Evaluation V.A.1. The program director must appoint the Clinical Competency Committee.
All policies, including those concerning Disruptive Behavior; Resident Evaluation, Promotion, and Discipline; Program Closure / Reductions; Resident Health (Impairment); Leaves of Absence (including vacation, parental, and sick leave as well as the effect of leave on program completion); Duty Hours; Moonlighting or any alternatively named policy discussing clinical experience, education, and limits placed on the resident’s schedule shall be provided to the Resident both in writing and electronically.
V.A. Resident Evaluation V.A.1. Formative Evaluation V.A.1.a) The faculty must evaluate resident performance in a timely manner during each rotation or similar educational assignment, and document this evaluation at completion of the assignment.
The Resident may use the procedures set forth in Resident Evaluation, Promotion and Dismissal policy if they have received such notice.
The abstract shall be reviewed for acceptance before the meeting and the Resident Evaluation panel appointed by the Programme Committee shall evaluate the oral presentations.
Responsibilities of the CCC: (New proposed ACGME Common Program Requirements for Resident Evaluation (V.A.1))Each program is expected to form a CCC.
The UWHC GME policy on Appeals of Resident Evaluation, Discipline, Non-renewal or Dismissal Decisions details the process that provides residents with fair, reasonable, and readily available procedures for appeals and due process.