Examples of Resolution 1988 in a sentence
It was formed through United Nations Security Council Resolution 1988 dealing with sanctions relating to the Taliban, while Resolution 1989 (2011) addressed sanctions on Al-Qaeda.
It is intended to replace Resolution (1988) – 195 and all other Master Planning guidelines, procedures and policies.
Both the interim de facto “Prime Minister” and “Interior Minister” are on the U.N. Security Council’s Resolution 1988 Sanctions List.
A.11 The Security Council and Terrorism in 2012 Two resolutions on threats to international peace prompted by terrorism were made by the Council in 2012: Resolution 2082131 and Resolution 2083.132 Both were Chapter VII decisions and multilateral in character, calling for strengthening the Resolution 1988 Committee and the CTC.
Tichy, “Gender differences in the laboratory: evi- dence from prisoner’s dilemma games,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organi- zation, 1999, 39, 327–339.Rapoport, Anatol, “Experiments with N-Person Social Traps I,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, 32 (3), 457–472.Rege, Mari and Kjetil Telle, “The Impact of Social Approval and Framing on Co- operation in Public Good Situations,” Journal of Public Economics, 2004, 88 (7-8), 1625–1644.Roth, Alvin E., “Bargaining Experiments,” in John H.
In order to achieve this all uses of cadmium and cadmium compounds should, wherever possible, be substituted.Almost 30 years ago, it was acknowledged within the EU that cadmium exposure constitutes a problem for human health and the environment, and new action should be taken at Community level to control and reduce cadmium pollution (Council Resolution 1988).
All are aimed at improving or expanding the scope of multilateral tools— the Resolutions 1267/1889 Committee, the CTC, and the Resolution 1988 Committee—to respond to the emergence of ISIL and the ANF.
Overview UNSC resolutionsContentTranspositionUNSC Resolution 1988 (2011), as amendedReiterates the ‘Afghanistan’ section of UNSC Resolution 1267 (1999) Member States are to freeze without delay the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of the listedindividuals and/or entities.Regulation (EU) 753/2011 of 1st August 2011Automatic transposition allowed by the Law of 19 December 20204 2 Art.
Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al Qaida and associated individuals and entities.2. List of individuals and entities subject to the measures imposed by paragraph 1 of Resolution 1988 (2011), as renewed by paragraph 1 of Resolution 2082 (2012) (The 1988 List).3.
Miller closed the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. Resolution 1988 – Adopting the City Administrator’s Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2021 and Ending June 30, 2022./ Move to action.Miller commented that he felt the budget process went very smooth this year, the other members agreed.