Responsible Department official definition

Responsible Department official means that officer who is listed in a notice of a system of records as the system manager for a given system of records or another individual listed in the notice of a system of records to whom requests may be made, or the designee of either such officer or indi- vidual.
Responsible Department official means the Secretary of Defenseor other official of the Department of Defense or component thereofwho by law or by delegation has the principal responsibility withinthe Department or component for the administration of the law extendingsuch assistance.
Responsible Department official means that officer who is listed in a notice of a system of records as the system manager for a given system of records or another individual listed in the notice of a system of records to whom requests may be made, or the designee of either such officer or indi- vidual.(j) Routine use means the disclosure of a record outside the Department, without the consent of the subject indi- vidual, for a purpose which is compat- ible with the purpose for which the record was collected. It includes disclo- sures required to be made by statute other than the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. It does not include disclosures which are permitted to be made without the consent of the sub- ject individual which are not compat- ible with the purpose for which it was collected such as disclosures to the Bu- reau of the Census, the General Ac- counting Office, or to Congress.(k) Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or his des- ignee.(l) Statistical record means a record maintained for statistical research or reporting purposes only and not main- tained to make determinations about a particular subject individual.(m) Subject individual means that in- dividual to whom a record pertains.(n) System of records means any group of records under the control of the De- partment from which a record is re- trieved by personal identifier such as the name of the individual, number, symbol or other unique retriever as- signed to the individual. Single records or groups of records which are not re- trieved by a personal identifier are not part of a system of records. Papers maintained by individual employees of the Department which are prepared, maintained, or discarded at the discre- tion of the employee and which are not subject to the Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 2901, are not part of a system of records; Provided, That such personal papers are not used by the employee or the Department to determine any rights, benefits, or privileges of indi- viduals.§ 5b.2 Purpose and scope.

More Definitions of Responsible Department official

Responsible Department official means the Secretary of Defense or other official of the Department of De- fense or component thereof who by law or by delegation has the principal re- sponsibility within the Department or component for the administration of the law extending such assistance.
Responsible Department official means that officer who is listed in a notice of a system of records as the system manager for a given system of records or another individual listed in the notice of a system of records to

Related to Responsible Department official

  • national department means a department of State within the national sphere of government;

  • the Department means the Department of the Environment;

  • Responsible official means one of the following:

  • government department means any department of the Government of the United Kingdom;

  • Local department means the local department of social services of any county or city in this

  • State department means the state department of human services.

  • Investigating Department means any department / division / office of SCI investigating into the conduct of the Entity and shall include the Vigilance Department, “Central Bureau of Investigation, the State Police or any other authority or entity set up by the Central or State Government having powers to investigate”.

  • Procurement Officer means the Buyer's contracting personnel, as identified in the Introductory Materials.

  • Health Department means the department of environmental quality, a city health department, a county health department, or a district health department, whichever has jurisdiction.

  • Environment Officer means an employee so designated pursuant to The Environment Act;

  • Local health department means the same as that term is defined in Section 26A-1-102.

  • Compliance Department means the Chief Compliance Officer of Federated and those other individuals designated by him or her as responsible for implementing this Code and the Associated Procedures.

  • IWAI/ Authority/ Department/ Owner means the Inland Waterways Authority of India, which invites tenders on behalf of the Chairman, IWAI and includes therein-legal representatives, successors and assigns.

  • Finance Department means the Finance Department of the Government of Assam;

  • Local government officer means: (A) a member of the governing body of a local governmental entity; (B) a director, superintendent, administrator, president, or other person designated as the executive officer of a local governmental entity; or (C) an agent of a local governmental entity who exercises discretion in the planning, recommending, selecting, or contracting of a vendor. Texas Local Government Code 176.001(4).

  • User Department means any department, division, branch or section of the procuring and disposing entity, including any project unit working under the authority of the procuring and disposing entity, which initiates procurement and disposal requirements and is the user of the requirements; and

  • Department Representative means an individual who represents the Department and presents the Department’s position in a hearing.

  • Environmental Protection Agency or "EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Fire Department means an organized fire department as that term is defined in section 1 of the fire prevention code, 1941 PA 207, MCL 29.1.

  • Applicable Department means the Personnel Department for employees of the City of Cambridge, the Purchasing Department, with the advice and assistance of the appropriate department which receives the services, for Covered Employers who contract or subcontract with the City of Cambridge, the School Department for employees, contractors and subcontractors of the School Department, and the City Manager’s Office for any other Person who is a Beneficiary of assistance other than a contract or subcontract.

  • Contact Officer means the person identified as Contact Officer on the cover page of this RFT;

  • Police Department means the Police Department of the City and County of San Francisco.

  • U.S. Department of Energy means the Department of Energy established by Public Law 95-91, August 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 565, 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq., to the extent that the department exercises functions formerly vested in the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, its chairman, members, officers and components and transferred to the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration and to the administrator thereof pursuant to Sections 104(b), (c) and (d) of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438, October 11, 1974, 88 Stat. 1233 at 1237, effective January 19, 1975) and retransferred to the Secretary of Energy pursuant to Section 301(a) of the Department of Energy Organization Act (Public Law 95-91, August 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 565 at 577-578, 42 U.S.C. 7151,

  • competent official means a person appointed by the Minister for the execution of this Act;

  • Responsible administrative authority means, with respect to a structured settlement, any government authority vested by law with exclusive jurisdiction over the settled claim resolved by the structured settlement.

  • Team Official means any person involved with the management, preparation or participation of a team (whether paid or unpaid), including the coaches, managers, medical staff, other support staff or any other person acting for or on behalf of a Club;