Retired registrant means a duly registered professional engineer or land surveyor who is not engaged in active professional practice and is not required to meet the continuing professional education requirements as prescribed by the board. A retired registrant is issued a certificate of registration indicating "retired" status.
Retired registrant means a duly registered professional engineer or land surveyor
Retired registrant means a registrant who has been registered in one or more of the classes of registrants established in sections 61(j) to (l);
Examples of Retired registrant in a sentence
A new section to chapter 43-19.1 of the North Dakota Century Code is created and enacted as follows: Retired registrant.
Continued… Upon acceptance as a Retired registrant, I agree to remit an annual professional fee of one-half of the annual professional fee (as stated in subsection 15.1(1)(a) Administrative Bylaws) and other chapter fees as outlined in the “Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Act”, Bylaws, and Regulator’s policies.