Examples of Revenue anticipation notes in a sentence
The statutory authority for issuing Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (“TRANs”) is contained in Government Code Section 53850 et seq.
The District may issue Revenue Anticipation Notes (RANs) and Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs), in anticipation of the receipt of revenues.
Consulting Principal is a full release master principal who provides mentorship to novice principals, assists in the development and delivery of professional development for administrators, and provides intense support to veteran principals identified by their supervisor as needing improvement in performance.
Short-term borrowing may be issued to generate funding for cash flow needs in the form of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRAN).
Ultimate responsibility regarding post-issuance compliance for all matters relating to County financings and refundings, other than Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes ("TRANs"), rests with the County Administrator (the "Administrator").
The County will consider issuing Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes for annual cash flow purposes or other short-term financing instruments to the extent such notes would reduce expenses, increase revenues and/or expedite the meeting of County goals.
Potential financing sources include Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, commercial bank lines of credit, temporary borrowing from the County of Los Angeles Treasurer, and internal temporary inter-fund borrowing.
Any excess realized or loss sustained will be reflected in question 13.2.• Obligations Issued – Serial Bonds – par value of serial bonds sold.• Installment Bonds – par value of installment bonds sold.• Bond Anticipation Notes – the amount of notes issued in anticipation of the sale of bonds.• Capital Notes – par value of capital notes sold.• Revenue Anticipation Notes – amount of note issued on revenue anticipation.
For purposes of this provision, Tax-exempt Notes shall include such securities as Tax Anticipation Notes, Revenue Anticipation Notes, Bond Anticipation Notes, Construction Loan Notes, and Tax-exempt commercial paper.
Short-term borrowing, such as commercial paper, Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS), and lines of credit, will be considered as an interim source of funding in anticipation of long-term borrowing.