Revised Kyoto Convention definition
Examples of Revised Kyoto Convention in a sentence
One of the most important impetus to adopting IT in TF is the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC)3.
Many WCO conventions,18 agreements, and other instruments bear some relevance to FTZs and the protection of intellectual property, but only two are critical: the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) and the SAFE Framework of Standards.
A major instrument of trade facilitation, the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) covers simplified, predictable, transparent Customs procedures; optimum use of information technology; risk management; partnership with the trade and other stakeholders; and a system of appeals.
Customs procedures of each Party shall, where possible and to the extent permitted by their respective customs law, conform with the trade-related instruments of the WCO to which that Party is a contracting party, including those of the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (as amended), known as the Revised Kyoto Convention.
It was accordingly decided to undertake a fundamental restructuring of our customs and excise legislation not only to give effect to the Revised Kyoto Convention and other binding international instruments but also to establish a sound, clear and logical legislative framework that would enhance and ‘‘speak to’’ the many other legislative instruments that rely for their implementation on customs control.
Each Party that is not a WTO Member or a Contracting Party to the Revised Kyoto Convention shall ensure that those items of information are published in such a manner as to enable interested Parties and persons to become acquainted with them and shall, to the extent of its capacity, ensure that those items are published promptly.
Each Party that is a WTO Member or a Contracting Party to the Revised Kyoto Convention shall ensure that all items of information required to be published under paragraphs 1 and 2 are published promptly in such a manner as to enable interested Parties and persons to become acquainted with them.
The Revised Kyoto Convention is comprised of the Body of the Convention, of a General Annex, and of ten Specific Annexes, most of which are further divided into two or more Chapters.
Similar to the Revised Kyoto Convention, the Istanbul Convention comprises a body and different Annexes.
It is alsointended to provide a basic grasp of international conventions, which constitute an integral part of customs-related laws, such as the Revised Kyoto Convention, Harmonized System Convention, and the WTO Valuation Agreement, among others.