RMS sound pressure definition
Examples of RMS sound pressure in a sentence
During this period, as specified in Table 2, no surveys with RMS sound pressure levels > 180 dB re 1 uPa at 1 meter for equipment that operates between 7 Hz and 35 kHz shall occur.
SPL) means 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the reference pressure of 20 micropascals (20x10µN/m).
Twenty (20) times the logarithms to the base 10 of the ratio of the root mean squared (RMS) sound pressure to the reference pressure of twenty (20) micronewtons per square meter.
The NMFS currently uses the root-mean-square (RMS) sound pressure level (SPL) metric to evaluate potential impacts on marine mammals and federally listed species of fish.
Lmax is the highest RMS (root mean squared) sound pressure level within the measurement period, and Lmin is the lowest RMS sound pressure level within the measurement period.The time period in which noise occurs is also important since nighttime noise tends to disturb people more than daytime noise.
SPL = 10 Log10(P/P0)2 ……… (i) whereSPL : Sound Pressure Level in dBP : RMS sound pressure in pascals P0 : Sound reference pressure at20 µPa Leq is that statistical value of sound pressure level that can be equated to any fluctuating noise level.
Energy management services include: preparation of municipal energy consumption analyses, goal setting, monitoring and reporting; preparation of grant program identification and proposal writing; conducting on-site public information sessions; consultation on community, municipal, landfill and brownfield solar The Town requests a waiver, on its behalf and on behalf of its competitive supplier, from the information disclosure requirements contained at 220 C.M.R. § 11.06.
Twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the reference pressure, which shall be 20 micropascals, denoted LP or SPL.
At this range from the drilling operation the one second RMS sound pressure varied from 2.3 to 4.2 Pa (127 to 133 dB re.
Marine Mammal Hearing Groups, Hearing Range, and Level B Disturbance Thresholds* *All thresholds reported as the root mean square (RMS) sound pressure level (SPLRMS) and decibels are referenced to 1 micro Pascal (1µPa); Reference: NOAA West Coast Fisheries (online guidance, accessed 03 January 2019) https://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected_species/marine_mammals/threshold_guidance.html Table 6.